Weekly $100 "Most Helpful Message Board Poster" Contest.

I see Marcel, David Anderson and Pope helping in the emergency forum frequently.

And Jeffrey Jonas. (who said that? I actually have him blocked, lol) When he’s not in a bad mood picking fights, he gives good advice and quite active sometimes.

Da Pope…

Not that he needs the money his business seems to be rockin…

Pope. Always has good stuff, remains professional and avoids the mud slinging.

Nick did not say anything about POSITIVE posts. Most of that crap is just smoke getting blown up our asses by folks who just want to say what is agreed on by all the SHEEP and sounds good and BY THE BOOK. “A S S-KISSERS”

How about someone who speaks the truth even though it is normally against the grain and outside the box. One who is not AFRAID to not agree with every Tom, Dick and Harry. I know no one like that will get any votes.

I say Roy Cooke as I think he fits the spirit in which Nick intends for this contest and he does a ton of stuff to help fellow inspectors that is not on the boards as well. He does not care if his advice or help is popular and he does not help to be a KNOW IT ALL. You know the type. He is not a self proclaimed GURU that just makes up stuff or gives his opinions as fact.

I personally know he has helped me and a great many others by actually picking up the phone and calling people one on one because he does not care to appear to be a genius on these boards.

He has been the most helpful guy both on and off the boards if you ask me.

I would also like to add Denis Bonner as one heck of a helpful poster and overall good guy who helps weather you are his direct competition or not :slight_smile:

To be honest after thinking about it I MUST SAY NICK GROMICKO. He is a Member and by far has the most useful posts by the numbers but I know he will not award himself the prize even though I believe he would truly be the best choice. who has possibly even came close to posting info that helps or informs and benefits all of us more than him?

Dan Bowers has helped me out in the past.

Jeff Pope and Roy Cooke

John Shishilla

Roy Cook and Jeffrey Jonas

David Anderson

Message board member or iNACHI member? Do Jim Port & Robert Meier qualify?

Billy Boerner

Marcel Cyr
Helps more people on here always positive and helpful
Some people here can not help stir crap up .I see

Roy Cooke and Jeff pope

Kevin Leonard

Jeff Pope

Jeff pope

Jeff Pope and Marcel Cyr to name a few!

I second Marcel Cyr also.

Marcel Cyr
Jeff Pope
Cam Anderson