That must be his reaction when he saw the latest polls in Wisconsin. :mrgreen:
That is one of the better reactions to Obama’s performance last night.
It was clear that on the right hand screen we had a genuine American Hero. A man who has love of his country in his every fibre. A man who has led men and who can lead a nation. A man who was too polite to drag his opponent through the mud of ‘that one’s’ friends and associates.
On the left hand screen we saw a smirking, laughing, condescending little man. A person who could only dream of being half the man that John McCain is on a bad day. A man who is so coque-sure of victory that he let us all see his true arrogance; his true smiling, chuckling self assurance that he has been anointed. Last night we saw behind the curtain of Obama’s deceit and there is no wizard behind that veil. There is only the empty, not particularly bright mental void into which the easily lead have poured all their hopes and dreams. This is Jimmy Carter on steroids.
Disgust. It is just one of the emotions that Obama engendered last night. The rest are best left unspoken.
I wonder how long the love affair with Obama will last?
- Until he comes out and says “I know I promised tax cut to 95% of you but George Bush left things much worse than even I knew” and we just can’t do it sorry, maybe next term"
- When he says, “I know I said I would pull the troops out of Iraq but I have been advised that the time is not right yet, sorry maybe next year.”
My money is on #1!
It was quite an embarrassing show McCain put on wasn’t it?
Actually no it wasn’t.
Must be an “eye of the beholder” thing.
Man, no kidding! Joey is completly drunk on Obama-Aid! That was almost scary, even for Joey!
That tax cut for 95% is the biggest lie out there and no one has called him on it! Imagine that! The bottom line is, almost everytime Obama spoke last night he added higher taxes and bigger government. That is fact!
Kevin, why would violins come out for a POW who was brutually injured on almost a daily basis. Respect should come out not violins.
I can respect service to our country. I can’t respect using that service as leverage to get sympathy votes.
Look at some of Kevins post through out his time! Nothing surprising with his latest! Thats alright though McCain is one that helped give him that right and all he is doing is exercising it!;-)
I think this was suppose to be red. Feel free to change it ball-less wonder.
Green What a bafoon! 10/16/08 11:29 AM “Grow up…”
You said “Ball-less”
That was pretty funny. I wonder if it was an inadvertant slip (most likely)or a planned jab (I don’t think he’s that smooth).
His worst moment was talking about autism, families with autistic kids and how Sarah Palin understands that better than anyone.
Her son is not autistic.
Yeah, and I’m sure Ol John took those beatings just to use them for political gain-- Yeah that makes perfect sense. That John is so sly, hey maybe he got captured on purpose- yeah thats the ticket, he did it on purpose.
Four years should just about do it.
I have a good idea who’ll be the Democrat candidate four years hence (it won’t be Obama),
and a reasonably good idea who the Republicans will offer up (no, it won’t be Obama).
But keep your eye on the horizon…there is a young, energetic, charismatic person ready to slowly emerge as the better possible choice for the Presidency. (No, no…*not *Obama!)
He’ll not be a member of either, or any, political party–he won’t be beholden to any regime or control group–but he’ll answer only to the American people.
His message will be simple, clear, forthright, understandable, and reach the entire voting public. I won’t…I mean he won’t take advice from anyone with an agenda–something to sell or give.
This man will be tall, good-looking (extremely good-looking), [my wife thinks so], be well-versed in all phases of international politics, finance and the economy, a great and proven military leader.
(O.K. Kevin F. Pierce–here’s where you can cue the violins. Battle Hymn of the Republic, if you will.)
At the moment when all seems lost, I will…I mean he will fly down from the moon in a comet’s tail, land and strike a pose and sing “Here I come to save the dayyyyyy…”
He will vanquish the foe, calm the trembling masses, restore peace, and everyone, and I mean everyone! will have Graeter’s Strawberry Chip ice cream in their stewpot,
a chicken in every garage,
a car on blocks in the front yard…
birds will sing and the whole world will spread their arms and cry out…
who in the hell is this guy?
Okay already! I will vote for you…I mean him!:mrgreen:
I won’t.
I don’t like Strawberry ice cream.