What are the little squares?

Joe, I just got back to the office, I quickly upgraded your poor ranking.

Maybe the Pom Pom’s cranked you down a knotch…:smiley:

You’re alright now brother…:smiley:

I would think if someone is hovering over your box, the least you could do is give some positive feedback. :twisted: Perhaps a green square. :smiley:

That is the single funniest thing I have ever read here!:smiley:

And thanks, Dale, for the Rep!

Oh my gosh! That is so funny it hurts! :D:cool: :twisted:

You’ re welcome, from a “furry” Canadian!

Wendy, do you need a cigartette?:smiley: :smiley: I don’t know what it feels like to have a box…wait a minute…I do have a box…whoppeeee…wait a minute…what are my buddies going to think…they better not start looking at me like that.:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :wink:

Oh, everyone has boxes now. I didnt realize I had a box. And I see its gray.
I guess my box has never been hovered over…

ah, well. story of my life.

ROTFLMAO:twisted: :roll: :smiley: :mrgreen:

I’m going to fall off my chair!!!

Wendy you’re not doing so hot in the square department, what’s the gig?..:roll:

Not enough people hovering over her box!:slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Ahhh…thanks Jamie…:shock: …I should of read a little more before asking…:cool-cat:

Main Entry: hov·er http://www.merriam-webster.com/images/audio.gif http://www.merriam-webster.com/images/audio.gif
Pronunciation: 'h&-v&r, 'hä-
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): hov·ered; hov·er·ing http://www.merriam-webster.com/images/audio.gif /-v(&-)ri[ng]/
Etymology: Middle English hoveren, frequentative of hoven to hover
1 a : to hang fluttering in the air or on the wing b : to remain suspended over a place or object

I’m starting to feel very insecure about this…:shock:

sorry, fellow nachi-ites, I was going to report myself as submitting a bad post…but everyone else has the little yellow triangle for that but me.:smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks Jae for the support. If I never have anything in my little square box, I guess that I have not done anything wrong or right in anybodies eyes. But then again? :mrgreen: </IMG>

Mark…I bopped you one knotch…:smiley:

Thanks Dale, I thought there for a while that I might get away with being one of those little gray men like from Roswell :shock: </IMG>

hey wendy
i think i would rather have a gray box than a GREEN one!!:slight_smile:

brian, see what you started:)


Yeah, I’m thinking I’m with you. Green? Ewwwww!:twisted:


I vote for multiple colors with multi meanings