What is your opinion?

I have never encountered metal over asphalt in my area what kind of problems do you typically see

Metal replacements are getting more popular in northern states, as snow slides off roofs easier, and takes the weight off supports. This also bends vents. If no crickets are seen in northern states, make note of the missing crickets.

I do not see many metal roofs here in Kansas, however the ones I see are OK for barns, but not for houses. Often nails/screws are exposed, and leak within months.

As with any installation, follow manufacturer’s installation requirements. Many require air gaps between roof panels and sheeting; never directly onto older shingles.

Typically… metal roof panels and tornados don’t mix. When I do see them, they are usually damaged in some way, irrelevant of their age.

Hi Charlie, mostly screws backing out because they’re not secured to anything substantial which in turns leads to buckling and lifting of the panels.

Thanks key word being substantial when we screwed my barn metal down we used screws prolly longer than they needed to be and I have had no screws backing out but of course its an all metal barn