What? You released our summer water in the middle of winter?

Someone seriously unfamiliar with what flows downhill, followed that order:


Where was your concern when they were flushing 90% of our Summer water into the ocean??

Did you know that California diverts 90% of its MUCH NEEDED rainwater into the ocean?

California is letting billions of gallons of stormwater wash out to sea each year, report finds.


California is About to Dump 114 Billion Gallons of Water into the Ocean | Geoff Vanden Heuvel

Here Is Why California Has Blocked Million Tons of Water After a Thousand Days of Drought

90% of California’s Water Flows to the Ocean

How This Billionaire Couple STOLE California’s Water Supply | The Class Room ft. @SecondThought


Who the freak is they?

C’mon now, don’t play dumb :wink:


Farmers will be very nervous until there crops are harvested!

Operation Mockingbird media fake news propaganda mouth piece NYT? LOL :rofl:

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