When Chocolate City

Give me a break! The Republicans are no different in that they use whoever they can to get into power.:roll:

Funny, later on you brand me as an ignorant racists, yet you are the one assuming that the Black Pantherns will run the country because these nutburgers rally behind Obama and because you have a bunch of out-of-context quotes from his book.

The extremist anti-abortion groups that bomb clinics rallied around Bush both elections, yet abortion rights have hardly changed …



The Catholic wing of my family disagrees with with with the church’s policy of covering up the molestation cases and then dishing out the money they donated to buy their way out of justice, yet I don’t see any of them quiting either …

If you re-read my statement without the “I’m a victim of everyone who disagrees with me” googles, you can see that I am speaking of a GROUP of people- not southern whites in general. I know several people who have strong ties to the south and they will all tell you that there are several pockets of white supremists who hide behind the Bible. It is that minority, not the majority of southerns, that I spoke of.:roll:**

And just how many people are we talking about here?

I know of know legitimate anti-abortion group that advocates bombings, shooting or violence etc.

You guys will be bored after this election is over! :roll:

Will it “chocolate rain” in the chocolate city?

All the ones I hear about are in Montana.

The old stereotypical image of toothless white racists riding around in the backs of pick up trucks swilling moonshine and wielding shotguns is just that. A hollywood image that has been perpetuated for decades in poorly written / directed movies along with extremely piss poor imitations of a Southern drawl. As someone who has lived all over the South most of my life I have yet to see any such thing going all the way back to the 50s. I have encountered it in unlikely places like New England (I will omit the name of the State) while stationed there in the early 70s much to my surprise and shock. We hear often of the lynchings in the South but never about those that happened in places like NYC (google NYC Draft Riots) (http://www.press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/317749.html) but that is because much of the true American history has been and is being rewritten. One such article I recently ran across tells a different story about the stronghold of the White Supremacy organizations. Just one short exerpt.

“Mr. Sinenksy said racist skinheads had their greatest concentration in California and were found primarily elsewhere in the Pacific Northwest, the Southwest, the Midwest and the Southeast, with some in New Jersey and New York. The report says they come from a variety of economic backgrounds in the United States, unlike in Great Britain, where the movement first arose, attracting mostly working-class young people.
Law enforcement officals and civil rights groups estimate that 15,000 to 20,000 people in the United States belong to white supremacist groups like the White Aryan Resistance and the Ku Klux Klan. Leaders of a offshoot of the White Aryan Resistance, called the White Aryan movement and made up of younger members, have bragged about their efforts to organize skinheads in California.”

I guess you never lived in the backhills of TN then. :wink: Because they are there.

Pick any State in the Union (including Hawaii) and you will find Rednecks, peckerwoods and bigots of every size, color, description and dental condition. It isn’t relegated to just rural Southern states as is being implied.

“DON’T LET ME BE MISUNDERSTOOD”](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5T3FXFnoTzE&feature=related)

Robert Byrd, Democrat, WV