While Trump was convicted (distraction), Biden authorizes U.S. weapons to bomb Russian cities

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Just to remind you, what you consider a distraction, made history. First Commander and Chief with the conviction of being a felon… along with being found guilty of sexually abusing advice columnist E. Jean Carroll in 1996.
Yep. Everything you want in a Commander and Chief.


First off, they don’t even prosecute these things and when they do, 99.99% of the time its a misdemeanor. We all know he’s only being prosecuted to influence the election.

In comparison to Biden authorizing U.S. weapons being used to bomb Russian cities… meaningless.


Yes they do, and no it’s not…

survey-new-york-felony-falsification-of-business-records-just-security.pdf (296.5 KB)

I’m sure many of all of us will disagree with you.

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Meanwhile, Deranged Joe’s Handlers’ lust for genocide sallies forth.

“NATO countries will receive a devastating blow for their involvement in the Ukraine conflict - Dmitry Medvedev

NATO military personnel operating long-range weapons in Ukraine is not “military assistance” in any way, but participation in the war against Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, said on social media.

“Such ‘individual assistance’ by NATO countries against Russia is a serious escalation of the conflict. The former Ukraine and its NATO allies will receive a response of such destructive power that the alliance itself will simply not be able to resist getting involved in the conflict,” the official stressed.

NATO will have to decide how to qualify the consequences of possible retaliatory strikes against its equipment and military personnel in the context of Articles 4 and 5 of the Washington Treaty, Medvedev added.

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We the biggest banana republic in the whole damn world.


I see the Loony Left idiot(s) are here to offer their words of stupidity for us to marvel at!



No rocket scientists here, that’s for sure. Some don’t even know left from right.

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They took a booking “error” made (not made) by his book keeper, (which typically might be a minor misdemeanor) and magically turned it into 34 felonies. Called it a “hush money” trial. Put a porn star (that has repeatedly said Trump did nothing wrong to her) (she still owes Trump $millions for the case she lost) on the stand with a bunch of outlandish stories irrelevant to the case. Then their star witness testified on the stand that he embezzled money from Trump, after which the corrupt judge (who’s family as received $MILLIONS directly from many members of Congress)…

Oh wait, Nick is correct, it is all a distraction. They are trying to escalate WWW3 to all out nuclear war by sending long range missiles (not to mention the $BILLIONS) to Ukraine. . While everyone is distracted by the shiny object. Be WARNED, look for a black swan event and/or multiple false flag events staged by the DS and blamed on MAGA.


Consider the Deep State to be the property of the Israeli Mossad, same as Congress, the Presidency, and our communications infrastructure.

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The second Trump was convicted, I started searching for the real news that they wanted to suppress.

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Biden’s misanthropic fetish for war against Russia is itself a distraction, designed by our real enemies to weaken and cripple America economically and militarily, while allowing an invasion of millions of designated foreign terrorists and combatants to overwhelm our domestic defense capability.

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They tried to shut down Alex Jones yesterday too with a bunch of BS tyranny lies. Alex caught it just in time. They are broadcasting now. www.infowars.com/

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Distractions in Ukraine and Israel, while HIAS and Soros deliver World War III to our homeland.


I believe it’s plausible that these SCIF cargo containers are the means by which the CIA and Mossad control our Congress, the White House, and military. They are soundproofed, self-contained, secure, and many are set up with conference tables. Perfect for storing in or near the Capitol building, where a loose cannon of a congressman or congresswoman can be whisked into a “special” briefing when they become too independent or egalitarian. Is this what happened to Speaker Ron Johnson? Several weeks ago, he insisted that tens of billions of fresh American tax dollars would NOT go to Ukraine and Israel. Then, like magic, he flipped and the war aid package was ratified. Was the Speaker made an offer he couldn’t refuse? Maybe he was ushered into a SCIF by an envoy or two, and shown a brief video of his children playing in their back yard… It really wouldn’t even take that much. Just seat him in one of the plush chairs at the SCIF’s conference table and ask him to wait for his counterparty to arrive for the meeting. Close the door and digitally secure it. Five minutes later, turn off the lights in the SCIF. How long would it take for most grown men to cry like a baby, and admit defeat while begging for foregiveness and promising eternal compliance.

Meet the “new and improved” 21st Century version of Orwell’s Room 101.

Another account I read stated that the dead Chechen named Daraev was shot four times by the Special Ops soldier as Daraev was shooting a video of the soldier’s children playing in their yard.

MAGAs didn’t provide much of a distraction. It’s not like we went out and burned down cities because we didn’t like the outcome last week.