No, MAGA’s did something far, far worse! They donated over $50M dollars to DJT’s campaign in 24 hours after the verdict. Shame on them! They interrupted a UFC fight constantly with chants of “USA, USA” and “We Love Trump, We Love Trump”. Just can’t have that expression of support in public places! They went out and prayed that this country gets better. Such religious expression shouldn’t be done, it’s so unifying. The horror of it all!
Those MAGA people should be out expressing themselves like the Loony Left by burning down buildings and killing LEO! Isn’t that the new normal activities?
Jeez this country is so FU anymore thanks to the Loony Left!
Ryan, your PICs show police violating Americans’ First Amendment right to protest government in the proper venue: Where government is. Those protestors aren’t burning down private property. They are exercising their rights. It is the law enforcement in those images that apparently never read the Supreme Law of the Land that they swore an oath to uphold. Yes, it’s ugly at times. The First Amendment isn’t needed to protest the weather politely by writing poetry. It’s there for perfectly-legal demonstrations like this. Anyone trying to stop them is a criminal.
They weren’t protesting. They were trying to overturn a legal election by stopping the certification of the election results. They sought to do this by preventing or interrupting the joint session of Congress being held on that day. That meant getting inside the Capitol, possibly killing Congress members or at least taking them as hostages.
Their intentions were not to express disapproval, but to actually stop the peaceful transfer of power that we (most of us) hold as one of our foundations.
Yes. We even have the right to overturn the entire federal government. But even if you disagree about that, exercising our right to protest government in the proper venue (where government is) should not be opposed by law enforcement. The injuries law enforcement suffered are evidence against them and proof that they infringed. Their duty was to uphold the Constitution they took an oath to defend by standing down.
Now had the rioters been thieves, trying to steal computers, paintings and chairs… yes, law enforcement should try to stop those thieves. Stealing isn’t a constitutionally-protected right. If a law enforcement officer is hurt while trying to stop a thief, he/she is a hero.
Approximately 11 individuals have been arrested on a series of charges that relate to assaulting a member of the media, or destroying their equipment.
Approximately 61 defendants have been charged with destruction of government property, and approximately 49 defendants have been charged with theft of government property.
The approximate losses suffered as a result of the Capitol riot totaled $2,881,360.20.
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