Who is Barack Obama?

I understand, and so do MANY others, that this is what has been happening before our very eyes over the last few years. :shock:

Who is Barack Obama?

As the title asked!


I think he is the one just to the right of Snow White! Not sure though?

It is a systemic problem that goes back more than a few years Chris.

Can you imagine if Clinton had been able to nationalize the health care system?

Jim doesn’t need to do that when it is McSame/Palin, they look about as bad as one can get without being pictured in prison stripes behind bars. Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Joey is in the same boat, his guy Ron Paul could not get traction and now he has to play the same game to make himself feel better.


Joe’s guy could be a player. In a close race, a vote for Ron Paul is a vote for Obama. Don’t forget what Ross Perot did to Bush in '92.

Don’t forget Nader.

Why not? Most have.

To make a difference in this race a third candidate would need to pull 4% to 6%. Nader doesn’t even have a base of 1%. Paul, as a Republican, offers those disgruntled GOPers who refuse to vote for McCain the opportunity to be at least be partially “loyal” as Will suggested.

I bet he pulls some last minute folks who just can’t allow themselves to see the VPILF a heartbeat away from the “red button”.

Who? Sorry the world has forgotten Nader. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hope you all watched Palin on Hannity.

With Reagan and Thatcher as heroes she’s on the right page.

I didn’t…but I’m sure Sean enjoyed the experience of having Palin on him. Who wouldn’t?

Question: Does she spit or swallow?

I added to my prior post just for you.:wink:

She will bring to the voting booth all those who where considering staying home.:smiley:

Yes…what America is fantasizing about doing to her, her running mate plans to do to America. What a deal.

Isn’t anyone who votes for Obama considered “ABSENT”? :D:D

Just joking, but I had to say it, the joke was screaming at me. LOL

Excuse me, if it wasn’t for those like you who facilitate this problem by being a dependable voting block for your “the lesser of two evils” party, we wouldn’t have so much to complain about in the first place. The two parties wholesale whore themselves out to the special interests because they can count on voters like you to provide them this luxury. Perhaps those that bury their heads in the sand and facilitate the problem are those that have absolutely given up their “right” to complain. :roll:

My point still stands.

Third parties, in the last 40 years have garnered no more than 6% (John Anderson).

And the take away from the winner haveing more that 50%, which gives the wingnuts (on both sides) one more agruement.

i am not blind, and not a follower and not part of a block.

I am a Republican and a Conservative (not necessarily the same thing, BTW) and believe in reality, i.e., making the best choice of the available choices.

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed how absolutely dead the message board has been these past few months.

I mean, if it were not for politics and debates on whether God uses mustache wax or not…there would be hardly any posts at all.

What’s going on?

Slow market.

an old, wise inspector (and an ASHI member, go figure. Very respected, in this area, for helping others and looked up to by members of all the associations) once told me that 90% of the inspections in our area (Northern Illinois, with Chicago and many large urban areas) are done by 10% of the inspectors.

Those inspectors are:

  1. Full time.
  2. Solid businessmen (i.e., know about business, accounting, law, as well as HI).
  3. Technically, at the “cutting” (read: bleeding) edge.
  4. Have other business (i.e., litigation inspections, moisture intrusion, building maintenence and construction problem inspections, Thermal, mold, IAQ, energy, wells, etc) to pull up the slack.
  5. College educated (which only proves that you can learn new things and, in some cases, be able to teach yourself).
  6. Always marketing.

Hope this helps;