Why does the basement leak, is it the stupid downspout extension as some home inspectors and other morons claim? hll no

thats cuz i am an honest azzz hole when i need to be, got milk?

hey, he found time to post–comment HERE buttttttttttttttttttt, and this happens w/some others as well, they couldn’t find a moment to comment on this…

nope, couldn’t find a few to read that story, family got scccccccrewed but found time to shtt on me, well fc you lil biccches, YEP!!! Ohh nooOOOO, Marky’s literary skillz n sentence structure sucks so he couldn’t possibly know anything about B waterproofing - Markys writing is MORE important to comment on than these scamming water-diverting co’s screwing over MANY homeowners= IDIOCY on duh Nachi board = NUTTIN new!!!

lolll just saw beer cans comment missed it, lollllllllllllllll where the hllllllllll has DannYYYYY been, is he FFFfFFfffflying high? And how come i can’t find name of his home inspection company, am assuming he is, lolll maybe not eh
