Win a free ticket to any CCPIA® In-Person Class - Two Available.
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Replies 20-21 win! You must include the date and location you’re intersted in attending in your reply to be eligible.
Win a free ticket to any CCPIA® In-Person Class - Two Available.
You can view the upcoming classes here:
Replies 20-21 win! You must include the date and location you’re intersted in attending in your reply to be eligible.
I’d love to attend!!
Merry Christmas
Yes please
Very interested Morrison NC
Yes thank you
Love InterNACHI! Merry Christmas!
this would be great
Merry christmas
Great thank you
Feb 16 Orlando
Thank you!
Yes please!
Most likely the Cummings Georgia one.
I believe may 7
Please, thank you!
Merry Christmas…
Thanks again
Your awesome!
Thats great
FEbiraru 5th Arizona