Eric and I have both suggested that with your stucco experience and license this is the way to go for you. Why the negativity, get the word out through insurance companies and agents. I am not suggesting you should do it yourself, hire a crew. That’s what contractors do they supervise.
They can’t afford the insurance payments either, this benefits them financially through reductions in recurring costs and by reducing the risk of loss of property. Go for it. Stop throwing up roadblocks in your own path. Make it profitable by pricing the job correctly for a job done right. People are always willing to pay for quality.
Now most peoples ideas of what a fair profit differ greatly between provider and client.
It seems only those who are currently not having any financial difficulties and those who are not scared to death of the future are willing to pay for quality.
When times are tough very often people MUST go with the cheapest immediate solution to their issues.
Back in the day I was never the cheapest at anything but I always had work because folks knew I would do what I said when I said I would.
Price was much less important than the quality and service because everyone, big companies and individual home owners just kept the tab going.
Values were constantly rising and rates were good so folks just paid it out in the long run.
Times are not like they used to be.
Many are forced to live on what they currently have and not off of credit backed by over inflated home values.
No nothing you do to a gable will increase or affect a discount, but, there is a prescribed methodology for reinforcement of the gables and if they want to pay for it then you could do it. YOU SELL IT, YOU DO IT WHAT AM I YOUR’E MOMMA? :roll: