I received a call from the realter stating that the seller had the stove installed professional and that it is acceptable to vent up the same chimney and that they installed a liner.
I replied with the facts that if there was a liner there would be a cap on the chimney and that there is a specific code for venting a wood burning appliance with the tank & furnace.
Would anyone know the code # for this.
I think the seller may of been charged for a liner that was never installed.
Originally Posted By: dandersen This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I received a call from the realter stating that the seller had the stove installed professional and that it is acceptable to vent up the same chimney and that they installed a liner.
Professional: That's a relative term! And that makes it right?
Acceptable: What codebook are they reading from? If the agent wants to tell the client it's OK, it's nice of them to take the liability from you! 
Just stick to your guns. Tell them that's your opinion and you're sticking to it !