wood rot

Originally Posted By: ecox1
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Hello to everyone I need some advise on this. I did an inspection for a client in which I found wood rot on some areas of the sub floor and other areas. The home owners don’t think there is any wood rot.

Originally Posted By: bkelly2
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Here in AZ wood rot would also be called out by a termie inspector. Are termite inspecions common in VA?

Tell the client to go and view the rot in person.

"I used to be disgusted, Now I try to Be amused"-Elvis Costello

Originally Posted By: kbowles
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I always suggest further evaluation by a contractor to determine if it is need of repair. We cannot offer advice on repairs and it is only up to us to point it out. Once the buyer is aware of the problem, it then becomes an issue between the buyer and seller. If the seller doesn’t want to do anything to repair it, the buyer can either accept it or back out, his call.

Kevin B

Life's a journey, not a destination.

Originally Posted By: cmccann
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I read your question.

If the home owners don't know where it is then who will show them? How far away are you? If you care and it's that hard to find then do a courtesy call and show them. Are they brain dead or just stupid? You gave them a picture, and they still can't buy a clue?

If it's really important to your clients, and they want a fix, then I would help them out. That's just me.....


Originally Posted By: ecox1
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Thanks to all good advice I’ve set up an appoint with my client to show him exactly where it is. Thanks again.

Originally Posted By: ecox1
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bkelly2 wrote:
Here in AZ wood rot would also be called out by a termie inspector. Are termite inspecions common in VA?

Tell the client to go and view the rot in person.

I did refer my client to have a termite contractor for further evaluation.