Would you hire an employee or sub contractor?

Originally Posted By: svonehrenkrook
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It’s time to expand my business, I’m looking for an inspector but I’m not sure whether to use a sub contractor that will use his own equipment and pay his own insurance or supply a vehicle and equipment for an employee.

How much are inspectors paid when working for a company and how much are sub’s paid?

I’d like to hear all the pro’s and con’s, any input and advise would be greatly appreciated.

Originally Posted By: tpszczolkowski
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

I use to own a trucking business with 125 subs who owned there own delivery trucks. I use to own trucks but after I went to using subs my problems were a lot less. The problems never go away they are just different. The IRS and the insurance companies (workmans comp) have certain guidelines when using subs. The sub is more likely to show up for work but he can also be you competition one day.

One of the biggest inspection companies in my area are using subs more and more, when a couple of years ago they had none. After being in business for 25yrs I would use subs over employees any day.

Originally Posted By: tpszczolkowski
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

P.S. Give me a reason to leave Pennsylvania. I have the truck, tools and the knowledge…I’ll even let you use my new 26’ Little Giant.