WOW! Lebron James 18yo son has heart attack... edit "cardiac arrest" after getting jabbed!

The same conditions mentioned in your article, myocarditis and pericarditis, can also be symptoms of long COVID. To imply that it is was a direct result of vaccination without the facts is irresponsible.


About 1 or 2 in every 100,000 young athletes experience a sudden cardiac arrest each year. Males are at greater risk than females, and African American athletes are at greater risk than Caucasian athletes. For example, about 6 in every 100,000 college African American male athletes have a sudden cardiac arrest each year.

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I don’t consult alphabet or canine news for my medical decisions.


Yep…Some doctors stated the risk of having these conditions increase if you were to be infected with COVID and that the shot reduced the risks. I dunno, I am not weighing in on this. I know what my personal decisions were and I am glad I had the freedom to make them.


Hopefully you got one of the saline batches or one of the one’s they didn’t handle properly and went “bad”.
You can find out more about it here’

It’s been reported that Lebron and his family got the jab.

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Lol. You lefties know all to well about spreading false propaganda- Russian collusion. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!


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But, if they really are trying to hide the negative side effects of the vaccine, calling something by a different name (long covid) would be an easy distraction…
So… who knows


If NewsWars said it it must be true, SMH.

Haven’t you heard, if we re-elect Biden we will be forced to only take two deep breaths of oxygen per minute? It’s true, a guy living behind the Wawa told me.


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If MSM media… Phox news, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN say it’s true… it must be true. LOL POOR fakenews snowflakes, can’t think for themselves. Dave are you a DS operative or just a brainwashed person???

Lebron made public statements that he and his family have been fully jabbed.
UCLA requires all students to get the clot shot, stroke poke and the death jab.

I forgot it is just “normal” now for kids, teenagers, high school and college athletes and pro athletes to drop dead from heart conditions. The “vaccine” has nothing to do with it, never mind, carry on. :roll_eyes:

LOL!! Klaus Schwab has NO authority to “implement” shit. Gullible fuckers out there… :poop: :joy:

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That’s a fact!

Eating out, going on vacation, and buying a new car have always been expensive, even back in 1996.

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I remember our family had the opportunity to buy a beach front bungalow on Cherry Grove Beach SC for $5k and we fumbled, those lots are now selling for six figures plus.