Writing the Report the Past Tense

When was this picture taken?

You haven’t answered this question Ben

If my report is ever called to task for accuracy, the photo is only partially relevant. A time stamp will not affect the disputed condition.

I also include a “Photo Disclaimer” :wink:

How about this one?
When was this picture taken?
a. 1 day before the previous picture?
b. 1 day after?
c. 1 minute before?
d. 1 minute after?

They look deceptively similar?

Stays the same in properties but can be photo shopped in your screen shot.
I rest my case.

Not the point.

As explained before, metadata can be easily removed from a jpg.
A time stamp on a picture that is in your client’s printed report, in their hand, can not.

Great point Ben\:D/. You guys are always looking after us. That is why InterNACHI “is” the greatest inspector association in the planet. Not past tense.:smiley:

i know this is old as hell, but even back in 2010 i could change the exif data on almost any picture that existed. some of this crap is gold, but some is more akin to fool’s gold.