My daughter, Elizabeth, go the ship selection she wanted, tonight. They stream it live for the parents. She wanted the USS The Sullivans, out of Mayport, FL, and she got it.
And that was her first pick and she was the first one to pick it. So, Asst. Gunnery Officer billet.
Congratulations Will,
I got a look at the first Aegis class destroyer when I was in the Navy many moons ago. Back then NTDSsystems were what we worked with and were being phased out by the Aegis. They are bad mofo’s.
The reason she whated Mayport is because here boyfriend (soon to be fiance? The guy looks like a 6’ Kevin Bacon, fer gosh sakes!) is in flight school at Pensecola. Watch as he gets station in Japan or some such and she is stuck in Mayport!
She served, on Summer cruises, on the Halsy (youngster cruise) and the Prebol. She liked Destroyers, even though she kept saying she wanted a Carrier. Then, she spent the night on a carrier and kept waking up to the cat launches. LOUD!
She also served, during spring break, on an Elat class frigate.
I was a Tin Can sailor during Viet Nam (USS Stormes DD-780), it’s good duty. My best wishes to her and thank her again for serving. May she have calm winds and following seas.