Yo Nick....

COA = Casey O’Malley & Associates. The guys that ran the largest inspection school in the country for over a decade and still run the largest conferences in the country twice a year. We’ve had over 500 inspectors using the app for the last year on Android and iPhone. It’s pretty awesome. We have the experts that teach educational classes around the country and retired expert inspectors answering the questions. You type a question, take a few photos (video coming soon) and submit the question all through the app.

As Tim said, we’re working on structuring a financial incentive system for veteran inspectors and subject matter experts to be compensated for monitoring the system and responding with assistance.

On the inspector’s side, it will be mobile friendly, permit pics or videos, and be available in live time.

Financial incentives? Why? Why not just keep doing it as we always have…FREE?

I always said it is about the money with you and you keep proving me right…

Why would we use Casey and O’Malley? Sending people to another site and venue, is that not what Joe is all upset about with Nathan?

O well…Like I said. Matters not to me. If I have a question Ialready have my resources. It wasn’t about me, money or anything else…

People always looking to make a buck just suck big donkey ding dong…

So in other words. No we won’t put it here for free because we can make money on it elsewhere…nice.

Don’t try it or free. Let us just skip the attempt at making it free and find away to suck more money out of inspectors…LMAO…Go figure.

Thanks for proving what I always suspected…

Russell, what I believe Nick is saying is that the inspectors answering the questions would be paid, not that the people asking the questions would have to pay…I think???

Uh… read slower Russell. The financial incentives are PAID, not charged. That’s better than free.

Dave Range… you are correct.

What I am saying is why? Seasoned people in the industry should be willing to help and they do all day long. So the new who is struggling has to pay? Nice… Happy new year and I hope you make a lot of money…

I read it real slow and there is a buck in it for you or your family. Your all over it.

So if I pay and the information is wrong. What is my recourse?

Speed reader Russell asks:

LOL. Again, you don’t pay… you’re paid. Call Dave Range and have him explain it to you.

Apparently your not reading. I DONT WANT MONEY…I want to HELP for FREE…trust me Nick, you will have a “piece of the pie”…you always do…

There will be an admin fee or something.

What if the information I “pay” for is incorrect?

What if the informtion I “pay” for is so incorrect it does me financial harm?

The entire idea was to HELP people. No MAKE MONEY off of people, especially those in need. Guess I just don’t think like you. Its not a “me” world and will never see it from your perspective…

The premise of your question is still false. Call Dave Range and have him explain it to you.

So who is paying the people? Why can’t people just help because they want to help?

Russell asks

Probably the same entity that pays the people who provide all this: Membership Benefits and Competitive Advantages - InterNACHI®

What about the “Elite CMI” ???

I thought it was in their ‘COE’ to assist other inspectors in need?

They certainly have enough money in the bank to pay for any expenses that may occur, leaving NACHI’s funds intact, and no need to raise fee’s to fund the project!

Won’t happen…I agree but won’t happen. This will be like the 10,000 other things nick talks about that never come to fruition.

How hard is it to add a tab to the left? Nope, let wait until an app is made, people get paid, interviews are set up…makes no sense to me. You know the #1 one reason things don’t happen? Implementation does not occur because of waiting for it to be " better" or perfect…

O well it’s his ball park and he calls the shots…I tried.

Good ideas… all!

Our member of the years in true form.

In all actuality some members do just go ahead and call or email me occasionally. I’ve been glad to help out if I can. But I’d check in on a help the fellow inspector section. Perhaps in the members only area. Help here should be a perk of joining, right?

Gee iphone ,who would have thought.
Do you guys know anything about the more popular and better Android app ?

Samsung alone outsells the less popular i cr-p.
Read and learn…http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/technology/chi-samsung-phones-expected-to-widen-lead-over-apple-this-year-20130104,0,6518720.story

Why do you think all the software vendors do Android apps first and while at it fix the NACHI Android app…please.(fan boys) lol

Jeff can I get a discount for texting :slight_smile: