You are all invited to our online Christmas party. Free gifts galore. Get yours.

seems to me if you had that one You could be made to believe You had the rest…:slight_smile:

I prefer the bottleinfrontofme kit :wink:



here is the wine & beer is it enough


We’re here Dennis!!

Merry Christmas

I’m working on it… i 'm trying to ask George W Bush where he had his done.

Oh good looks like he waited.
I am back ,so Nick can start now.

Happy Channakuh! Starts the 21st. Get a 4 day lead on your party.

Besides, we have latkes and 8 days of gifts.

Go figure.

Hey Bob, While you were gone, they moved the party to

The party is always wherever I am.

LOL, well there you go, it’s party time:D

oh no more green men

anyone there?


tell me i’m in the wrong thread…

They can be anyplace :wink:

Ok, you’re in the wrong thread. :):p:mrgreen:

oh no…

my kids are so excited

bummer i now see its every where but here