
I ran across an ZONOLITE article that may be interesting to homies.

Seems there is a trust for remediation. Up to 55% with a cap of $7,500.

W.R. GRACE emerged from bankruptcy.

If this has been posted before, please excuse me.
Nevertheless, it might be of interest to some homies nevertheless.

Remember your PPE.
Lets be safe out there!:slight_smile:

Very interesting thanks Robert ,
I never saw this before …

Looks like USA only no where can I see any thing about Canadians .

That’s strange…Not:twisted:

Perhaps that’s why Robert posted the info in the USA threads, NOT the Canadian threads!

I had this in my current home and even had documented bags with the W.R. Grace name on them in the attic. Went through all the paperwork and rigaramo to see if we could get some form of compensation for removing this during our renovation. They sent me a file number then never received anything further no matter how many times I contacted them. So I have to agree with a few posters here that even though the company was actually Canadian this trust is only available stateside. Sucks. I ate the cost to remove it from the house.

Thank’s as always Roy.

Canada has a trust.
I am working on an Article, uncompleted as of yet but I have bits and pieces on my website.
The article will be called “Zonolite, A fall from Grace.”
Here is a Canadian link.

George, from what I gather, Canada use to provide federal / provincial removal subsidies. That is until the fedreal trust ran dry about a decade or more ago.

Grace is trying to restructure.
The Debtors and certain other parties entered into a settlement to pay valid Canadian ZAI Claims.
How that will be done takes time. The process started in 2014 from what I understand.
Do not take my word on it though.
Save you remediation receipts.

Maybe if enough homies wrote into “Health Canada” for one, on behalf of InterNACHI “OR JOINED FORCES AS AN COLLECTIVE” we might be able to show there is valid concerns as to why Canadian homeowners that have Zonolite should be recognised in this claim.
Food for thought colleagues. You can not deny the power of InterNACHI!

Very interesting, thanks for sharing Robert.

Karl, my pleasure.
Hope to see you here as an active member in good standing.