Here is a link to an article from to give you an idea on variables that can effect temperature splits…
The higher the humidity (wet bulb) and airflow across a coil, the lower the expected temperature splits will be. The converse of that is also true, which can fake you out into beliveing there isn’t a problem, when there really is.
.[FONT=Verdana]ΔT is as low as [FONT=Verdana]10°F, or as high as 22[FONT=Verdana]°F for the same equipment operating normally … :shock: [/FONT]](“”)
Well, I happen to also be a home inspector trainer, so maybe they will listen to me posting the information …
There are many factors that can effect readings, but humidity has the biggest impact on temperature splits. I dont think they will be getting wet bulb temperaturtes (I know, it’s the only way to accurately use splits as a dagnostic tool). I believe that is beyond the scope of a basic home inspection, and requires more advanced knowledge to apply.
But what I do tell students to do is get the local outdoor temperature and relative humidity from a weather report just before an inspection. And pay careful attention to the possiblility of high humidity inside the house when obtaining temperature splits, and obtain the readings at the equipment.
Knowing the limitations, and when to take the results with a pound of salt, as opposed to the usual grain of salt, is the important point I try to drive home.
First time responder but Long time listener/reader. If you haven’t been in the field for five years you’re arelevant in that trade Basic knowledge but things are changing so drastically. And if you think you’ve seen it all because you’ve been doing this for 20 years and you know everything I’ve been doing this for 20 years and shit still amazes me what I find and where. I do hate lazy people know will post a question on Facebook but if you’re on the Internet how much do some research on Google somebody local phone number and pick there brain still on the way to get better I don’t mind helping somebody out and going back-and-forth I don’t give the answers let’s figure it out. That way I know you’re willing and wanting to learn But I’ve been in the field long enough to know there’s so many guys that talk shit well tell you something but won’t explain it and I was kind of keep people in the dark it’s gonna hold a hold onto their positions it’s never been that guy making you smarter makes me a little smarter and I’m great at what I do I’m not really intimidated by anybody if you work hard and you ain’t got your hand out but I get it you’ve probably been with this a lot longer and on this thread and 70% of the people probably just have their hand out seeing a lot of these idiots and fly by nighters and re-done a lot of inspections had clients get their money back I push for that request for reporting on requesting your money back the crappy person ain’t gonna learn to take their money and get them in trouble But I’m so willing and able there’s no excuse information is out there but you didn’t answer the question pretty decades without even answering the question you just bashed him for what he asked and I did go back and read