AFCI Protection Requirement

Im going to look into the NEW, but was hoping someone could save me some time. What is the requirement for when an AFCI breaker needs to be installed? Isn’t it new construction only? and if so, as of when? Also Is it all breakers or just specific areas of the house?
Thanks in Advanace

Google is your friend!

Examples: (and the requirements go back further than these)…

2017: Where Arc-Fault Circuit-Interrupter (AFCI) Protection is Required in Residential Dwelling Units | New York Electrical Inspection Agency.


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New construction and new circuits pullled.

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Many jurisdictions will require the panel to be updated to current code if it is replaced. Otherwise, only required when a new circuit or breaker is installed as David said.
Locations are basically everywhere that GFCI breakers are not required. GFCI protects against moisture and ground fault hazards, AFCI protects against fire hazards.

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The NEC does not require the addition of afci protection due to a panel change.

Maybe not, but many AHJ’s do.

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Sorry for dumb question…AHJ’s?

| Jeffrey Jonas jjonas InterNACHI®️ CPI
August 17 |

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Jim Milby:

NEC does not require the addition of afci protection due to a panel change.

Maybe not, but many AHJ’s do.

Authority Having Jurisdiction

Thanks! Sometimes the answers are so obvious! Lol

| Jeffrey Jonas jjonas InterNACHI®️ CPI
August 17 |

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Dave Rzewnicki:


Authority Having Jurisdiction