Another blow to the Canadian Forces

This is not a “blow to the Canadian Forces”. It is a case of a guy in the services who is allegedly a murderer amongst other things.

The Canadian Forces continue to perform as they did at Crysler farm and Kandahar, Queenston Heights and Singapore, Vimy Ridge and the Golan. The English called them “those bloody Canuks”. The Germans called them “Ladies from Hell”. Call them what you will, they are heroes every one.

" Another blow to the Canadian Forces"? The Scheldt was a blow. The fight for Holland was a blow. Manning the Murmansk run was a blow. Storming the Gustave line was a blow. Our Canadian Forces have stood against worse. This is just a sad chapter in the life of a disturbed and dangerous man.

Just another nut bar with a job with the military. Nothing to do with the arm forces.