Trying to NOT have to spend a 100 or so dollars extra…
By Friday Jan 13th, InterNACHI’s Education Department will finalize the development of a 6-hour Texas Standards of Practice, Legal and Ethics Update course. Online. No cost to InterNACHI members.
It will include:
Standards of Practice Update (2 hours)
Section 535.227-.232 of TREC Rules
Frequently asked questions about the inspection standards
Other relevatnt Standards of Practice issues
Legal Update (2 hours)
Chapter 1102 of the Texas Occupations Code
Commission Rules related to inspectors
Agency enforcement action related to inspectors
Related case law
Ethics Update (2 hours)
Section 535.220 of TREC Rules
Other relevant ethic issues
Afterwards, we shall expect final approval of the course from TREC.
This is very good news. Well done!
Great news - ben you ROCK!
I found myself down at the TREC office yesterday and asked them when they anticipated the approval of the iNACHI Ethics Course. Their reply was that they had just yesterday received every thing from iNACHI and they anticipated 4 to 6 weeks before approval. It’s looking like I may have to do another online course somewhere…
If your license expires soon you may want to look elsewhere!!
My TREC license renews the end of April. Sure hope it is approved by then. Will I have to retake the class after the approval?
That’s my understanding from TREC…
TREC approved it last week:
Great job Nick, Thanx.
Good Afternoon All - For those looking for the SoP/Legal/Ethics Updates class, TPREIA has an 8 hour TREC Approved Class scheduled for 3/24 in Houston and 4/21 in Corpus, right now. TPREIA and InterNACHI work together to bring education to all of their members. The class is for TPREIA Members, but if you are an InterNACHI Member, you can become a TPREIA Member for free.
If you have questions or I can help, email or call.
Brenda Roebuck