Anyone recognize which inspection software this is?

Not familiar to me

3D I think

NM, it’s not. It looks super familiar I just can’t place which one it is

Doesn’t look like 3D to me.

EZ software

William Wins!

Yep, I looked on their website and you’re right.

HomeGauge copycat.

It looks like “EZ Home Inspection” software to me. I use it and recognize the little rectangle with the condition code inside.

I’m in the process of creating a custom template for EZ Inspect. I’ve done one for HomeGauge also. They don’t seem all that similar to me.
Most of the inspection software with which I’ve worked to develop custom templates (additionally, Home Inspector Pro, Tap Inspect, Whisper Reporter, and Spectacular) have shared similarities, but then… they’re basically all designed to do the same thing. They’re at various stages of bells and whistles, but to various degrees, they’re all evolving all the time.
Rusty Craig (EZ Inspect’s owner) and I have had some pretty interesting discussions about possible development of something that right now doesn’t exist with any software.

I have no idea how their software works, but the report looks very similar to HG.

It looks like Palm-Tech to me

It’s EZ Inspect