ARELLO approves InterNACHI's free, online Home Energy Score for real estate agents

InterNACHI is an ARELLO-Certified Course Provider for for licensed real estate professionals and certified home inspectors.

InterNACHI’s “Home Energy Score for Real Estate Professionals” course is approved by ARELLO, Association of Real Estate License Law Officials. The course is free and online for all licensed real estate professionals. View approval at

This is a great marketing strategy for InterNACHI members who want to promote their businesses to licensed real estate agents. When a real estate professional logs into a course and enters the InterNACHI member’s ID number, the member will be automatically notified by email.

InterNACHI members can hand out marketing cards to licensed real estate professionals (see above locations). Members can order their free cards by visiting

InterNACHI is dominating the home energy scoring field.

How is it coming for California

ARELLO approval was California’s last requirement. We want every real estate agent in California (actually the world) to fulfill their continuing education requirements to keep their real estate licenses by coming to InterNACHI’s website.