Big day in American history

I didn’t miss a thing.

You just attached all of this to me. I resent it; it is wrong, and it is a misrepresentation.

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Some are having a hard time realizing that most Americans do not agree with their political view and don’t know where to attach their anger.


The bold font is all I meant to attach to you.

The rest is simply factual information that’s been public knowledge for years, well, factual to most of us.

There. I summarized my point. This civil case punished him, but it will have consequences—both in our free press and it will not shut him down. It will likely make him more popular.

I can acknowledge this without losing my mind.

So…whatever grotesque point you make, keep going. I don’t care.

Then delete the rest of that disgusting reenactment with my name mixed in and post it stand alone.

You don’t care yet you keep posting and are asking me to delete or change my post. If you didn’t care you’d let it go.

I called you intelligent and you get upset. If you can’t decipher between me calling you intelligent and calling out those who aren’t, and you resent the facts that I posted, that’s your problem.

And one other thing, comparing Alex Jones to a journalist or a weatherman is just plain dumb, there is no comparison.

The media (I will call it your media) that you believe with no proof gets it wrong often with significant false information that they cannot prove with devastating consequences. Not only is it false, They know it’s false and they package it as truth and sell every night on the evening news.

Who are the dumb ones again?

Leave the post up Kevin, I want them all to see on this public post. It’s fine with me.

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Yea, well they didn’t continuously call the massacre of 20 toddlers a false flag operation and the parents actors, even after the parents asked him to STFU because they were being harassed, he kept on. So sure, the media gets it wrong, but they don’t flat out lie for no other reason than to continually fleece their audience, which is exactly what he did.


Bullcrap. They do it constantly. Have you listened to MSNBC lately? How racist white people are? Did you not watch our cities burn over “Hands up don’t shoot?” (lie) Or were Dallas police officers shot because of systemic racism in American police forces?

This is just over identity politics. How about the laptop? They knew, they effing knew for a year!

Don’t get high and mighty. Alex got his deserves and those people got their justice. I am telling you, I believe there are consequences for the way society is handling this and the outcome is not pretty. Such as two assignation attempts on one Presidential candidate. And more attempts to curb free speech when more free speech is what we need the most!

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What a crock of BS.


GOOD NEWS! survives another DS attack!!

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Lefties don’t care about procedure only destroying by whatever means those that oppose their totalitarian dreams.

Talking about you Kevin.

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Click the link for a reality check.

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Seriously Mike?

You might want to check yourself on that one.

Trump’s transition team is skipping FBI background checks for Cabinet picks: report |

Trump demands Senate let him appoint cabinet nominees without a vote | Fortune

The reasons Trump wants to by-pass or eliminate normal procedures is obvious to anyone paying attention. But then again there are some that consider Alex Jones a reliable new source. LOL

Salon? OMG you must enjoy being lied to.

Listen to the first ten minutes for your sanity check.

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YCMTSU… people that support this clown show

Trying to poo poo Trump picks LMAO :roll_eyes: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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No complaints about previous admins using recess appointments? :man_shrugging: :thinking: