The day the "music" died

So bye, bye Operation Mockingbird lies… :musical_score: :notes:
Your done lying to the people, 'cause the people are wide eyed. :grinning:


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And good old boys spreadin’ truth and not lies

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Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!
Guberment funds Operation Mockingbird fakenews media that bring us stories like men can have babies, Trump/Russian collusion hoax, Hunters laptop disinformation, the list goes on and on and on.
Cleanup up on isles 1,2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7…

Choir singing the chorus…
This guy sums it up in 3 minutes :fire: :fire:

I went to a MN Wild hockey game shortly after 9/11. My biggest takeaway was the Canadians sitting next to us who showed so much pride and respect during our national anthem. We shared a few kind words and I have to admit, it was touching.

Now trump shits on them and get this…

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It’s sad how many people are affected to the point of mental illness by Operation Mockingbird media…

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Lara Logan



Making sense of what you are seeing around you - from the perspective of an experienced law enforcement officer specializing in RICO conspiracy cases: “Lara what Musk DOGE team has uncovered is a money laundering scheme that shows how the Obama-Hillary-Biden -DNC Conspiracy to transform America into a Marxist State was financed with taxpayer dollars. What Micheal Shellenberger reporting on Musk’s US AID discovered is establishing the money trail and connection between US AID and CIA. Shellenberger 100% correct that the CIA was behind funding the first impeachment trial of President trump. When you combine the reporting of Paul Sperry and Shellenberger with the investigative analysis explains how they framed trump as all the dots connect as it all comes to together. Now you see why the need for DOJ Prosecutors to do a real Conspiracy investigation. starting from the origins of re-organization of NSD by Obama and Holder (weaponization) the unmasking of Americans citizens, the formation of the resistance movement within the Federal government, the manufacturing evidence of the Russian hoax and impeachment trials leading to the bogus lawfare investigations of Trump as there all part of plan to enrich themselves their supporter in promoting their leftist agenda to transform America. Its looks complex but when you lay out the overt acts and look at the evidence of the incestuous relationships of former and current members of DOJ, FBI, DNC, CIA and DNC and their hatred of Trump it all comes together proving a pattern of an organized conspiracy at the highest levels of government. That why I wrote two different Prosecution investigative theories for DOJ consideration using 371 Conspiracy statute of Obstruction to defraud the public, the other using the Election Statutes for Election interference in which both theories would lead to the same conclusions identify the Conspirators at the highest levels of government of those involved. Musk audit of AID also connects the dots into the Clinton Foundation of receiving US AID funds. Hillary Clinton role in the Sale of US Uranium stockpiles to the Russians and US Tech companies’ partnerships with Russia in setting up a Moscow’s version of a Silicon Valley tech center in Skolkovo. All the FBI investigations into Clinton never came to fruit despite a mountain of evidence as documented by Peter Schweizer, the Government of Accountability Insitute and in his book Clinton Cash. SC Durham in his findings found that Deputy FBI Director McCabe restricted the FBI investigations into Hillary Clinton. In closing if Hillary Clinton had been elected President in 2016, the American public would have never known the extent and scope of how politically corrupted the system had become or how close we came to losing our country. I hope you found this information helpful.”

Drain that swamp!

More fake “news” from CBS/60 Minutes :roll_eyes: SMH

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