Bsmt Waterproofing

Originally Posted By: Mark Anderson
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eusa_think.gif Nu-Life Home Inspection & Building Services eusa_think.gif

TOB classifications...


concrete contractors

demolition contractors

drywall contractors

remodeling contractors

mason contractors

plastering contractors

siding contractors

waterproofing contractors

patio,porch,deck etc

Originally Posted By: Mark Anderson
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more BBB complaints icon_rolleyes.gif

-Kentuckiana Waterproofing Lousville,KY 10 complaints last 36 mth BBB says company agrees to pay $10,000 fine per KY Atty Gen. due to violations of KY 'no call' law-mail has been returned ph numbers disc

-Allstate Waterproofing aka Allstate Basement Systems Lexington,KY mail ret`d and not answering phone BBB says if you have a dispute you may wish to seek legal advise

-Alternative Basement Waterpf`g 3 complaints last 36 mth BBB says company appears out of business mail not deliverable & numbers disc

-Case Waterproofing Louisville,KY 6 complaints last 36 mth

-Highland Waterproofing Co Louisville,KY 2 complaints last 12 mth

-Aqua Dry Waterproofing aka Allstate Waterpf`g Grand Rapids,MI 3 complaints last 36 mth....BBB file reflects complaints of poor workmanship and failure of warranty repairs BBB says this company advertises in Ameritech Ph Book w/BBB Member Logo and company is Not a BBB-Member Michigan Atty Gen has filed action agst owner BBB has learned owner B Shawa was owner of Georgia Waterproofing in Atl,GA

-Gem City Waterproofing Dayton,OH 4 complaints last 36 mth

-B Dry of Central Ohio 7 complaints last 36 mth

-Sure Dry Waterproofing Indianapolis,IN BBB says if you hv dispute you may wish to seel legal advise 13 diff ph numbers

-Everdry of Indianapolis aka Indiana State Waterproofing aka Ross Management aka Everdry of Central Indiana mail ret`d and ph numbers disc

-Vulcan Waterproofing Cincinnati,OH 3 complaints last 36 mth

-Vulcan Waterproofing Newark,NJ 9 complaints last 36 mth

-Pro Dry Waterproofing Indianapolis,IN unanswered complaints and mail ret`d

-Wet Basement Doctor Indianapolis,IN BBB says company no longer BBB member & company has not returned BBB Mem`ship Plaque

-Sta-Dri Dewatering Greensboro,NC mail ret`d and ph numbers disc

-Able Waterproofing Greenville,SC mail ret`d and numbers disc

-Basement Dewatering Roanoke,VA BBB has requested basic information which it has not received

-Global Coatings & Waterproofing Richmond,VA 7 complaints last 36 mth

-Sta Dry Basement Waterproofing Cherry Hill,NJ 7 complaints last 36

-Grip-Tite Wall Anchor Rockford,IL mail ret`d & ph numbers disc

-Vulcan Waterproofing Philadelphia,PA 13 complaints last 36 mth, 10 complaints last 12 mth is a BBB member and BBB still lists as "Satisfactory Record'

-Standard Water Control Systems Minneapolis,MN 5 complaints alst 36 mth

-Ka-Ron Waterproofing Youngstown,OH 6 complaints last 36

-Cleveland Waterproofing OH 4 complaints-unresolved last 36 mth

-Granger Waterproofing Cleveland,OH unanswered complaints ret`d mail

-Mid-Atlantic Waterprf`g South Plainfield,NJ 40 complaints last 36, 14 last 12 BBB lists 'satsisfactory'

-Eagle Dry Waterproofing Rochester,NY 9 complaints last 36 mth

-Delaware Valley Radon Testing & Services Chalfont,PA 2 complaints last 12 mth

-Dry Tek Basement Waterproofing Indianapolis,IN mail ret`d unanswered complaint

-Update ![icon_rolleyes.gif](upload://iqxt7ABYC2TEBomNkCmZARIrQr6.gif) our Everdry Waterproofing Fairfield,OH friend in recent video post now w/ 12 complaints last 36 mth and 9 complaints last 12 mth...maybe Everdry is the best....maybe not

Originally Posted By: Mark Anderson
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careful on the construction site

Originally Posted By: pbolliger
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Well well well.

Mark Anderson

Recognized you from a certain other web site.. TOH
Good to see you here.
Keep us informed and share your knowledge.
Happy dry days to you. ![icon_biggrin.gif](upload://iKNGSw3qcRIEmXySa8gItY6Gczg.gif)

Originally Posted By: Mark Anderson
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Hi ya Patrick icon_smile.gif

Basement Doctor Waterproofing Trevose,PA BBB lists 83 complaints last 36 mth, 19 last 12 mth

maybe their method is best huh

Originally Posted By: Mark Anderson
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Originally Posted By: mcyr
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Hey Mark;

That was pretty cool site. Thanks.

Hope your basement is still dry. ha. ha.


Originally Posted By: Mark Anderson
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No problems here Marcel, how`s yours? …been as busy as a d_ke in a hardware store eusa_drool.gif

This guy may be a nice guy `n all but imo he doesnt know a thing about basement waterproofing, sorry if truth hurts

....basement leak wmv

....basement wall wmv

....carolina basement, downspout drain pipe etc

jesus, there are step cracks, vertical cracks, horizontal etc AND direct openings above ground level. FIX `EM!!!!

but no, it s the gutters,gutters,gutters,downspout,downspout huh

W3OH is a mere 36,000,000,000,000,000 miles away

G C--people who wear visors.....what is the need for 1/2 a hat? Nobody is interested in the top of your head, go back to the store and tell them to give you the rest of the hat, they cheated you. Better still, get yourself 1 of those lil jewish hats and sew it to your visor, then ya have a full-fledged hat.

Originally Posted By: Mark Anderson
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had 1 person contact me who said they are not too concerned about a handful of BBB complaints, hey do `n believe what ya like.,2132,WXYZ_15949_3314017,00.html video

good ole Bruno Building has a 'handful of complaints' ![eusa_think.gif](upload://lNFeGuTetUAtwNVgUSOuUzgrGGK.gif)

Originally Posted By: Mark Anderson
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i read where some believe that 'mold' is all media hype, and there are times i agree but around Michigan, i`ve been in many basements like this and within a few minutes i have also felt pretty shtty/dizzy like Brian.

if anyone has water on the bsmt floor coming from the wall or coming from the cold joint it is because 90% of the time there are crack(s) `n other OUTSIDE openings allowing water inside and ahem....water=mold. NO inside drain tile or baseboard dewatering system STOPS water from entering through outside openings,got that? ![icon_smile.gif](upload://b6iczyK1ETUUqRUc4PAkX83GF2O.gif)

Originally Posted By: Mark Anderson
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end of vid you`ll notice name of company

here is company BBB listing 14 complaints last 12 mth 26 last 36 mth

'Satisfactory record' so, as Jodie says in the movie Contact, "Yer OK ta go" i`m ok to go, i`m ok

Originally Posted By: Mark Anderson
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Vid w/ Larry from Basement Systems and Shell discussing Waterguard System,Bright Wall Paneling etc.

near end of Vid Larry says Any seepage that comes through bsmt wall will go behind the Bright wall Paneling and into the Waterguard system, and thats just fine. And it probably will keep most of the water off the floor but what about the water that continues to enter through the crack behind the Bright Wall Paneling? ![eusa_think.gif](upload://lNFeGuTetUAtwNVgUSOuUzgrGGK.gif)

Ever hear of mold? And what if this house has a higher radon level, how does radon enter & where is it? It is outside in the soil against the bsmt walls `n under the bsmt floor `n it enters through cracks & other openings in walls & floors

Is it possible that mold will grow behind the Bright wall paneling? ![eusa_think.gif](upload://lNFeGuTetUAtwNVgUSOuUzgrGGK.gif) Yer darn tooting its possible. Not just possible but very likely, so then what? You can`t take their Bright wall paneling down, you mess with what they did and you`ll most likely lose any guarantee they gave ya.

Hey, there`s a Crack in the bsmt wall! Fix the darn crack correctly....stop the water from entering and you`ll also stop/prevent mold,radon.

If you have a roof or plumbing leak, do you divert the water or do you fix/stop it?

And what about homeowners with poured wall that may be pushing in a bit or a block wall thats bowing in due to lateral `n hydrostatic pressure `n roots from trees, how will any inside system help relieve these outside pressures agst the wall huh? What about block wall that can deteriorate from water running into and through them? ![eusa_think.gif](upload://lNFeGuTetUAtwNVgUSOuUzgrGGK.gif)

ELO....The Dreamer, the unwoken fool, in dreams no pain will kiss the brow. The love of ages fills the head, the days that linger there in prey of emptiness,of burned out dreams.

The minutes calling through the years, the universal dreamer rises up above his earthly burden, journey to the dead of night. High on a hill in Eldorado

Originally Posted By: Mark Anderson
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BG`s.....i rolled into the smoke and there i lost my hope

i need someone to know me & to show me

the square peg fits the hole

why havent i been told? ![eusa_doh.gif](upload://has2a0g32D0AAlDjAwVcrg3HnhX.gif)

i need someone to know me & to show me

Trafalgar,Trafalgar,Trafalgar please don`t let me down

Originally Posted By: Mark Anderson
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John and The Crack team specialize waterproofing cracks in poured concrete foundations. Welcome to Red Sox land ![icon_smile.gif](upload://b6iczyK1ETUUqRUc4PAkX83GF2O.gif)

Appears they charge $500-600 for their inside injection which takes about an hour.

He states foundation cracking " is a problem that really didnt have a solution 8 years ago"

maybe they are the best,maybe decide

well, best of luck to Mr Happy Crack and the Crackettes

J you ever get the feeling that the story`s too dang real and in the present tense? Or that everybody`s on the stage and it seems like you`re the only person sitting in the audience? Skating away on the thin ice of the new day

Originally Posted By: Mark Anderson
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-The Wide World of Waterproofing-

Spanning the internet to bring you a variety of crap, the thrill of Victory-and the Agony of a leaky-moldy basement.

Maybe you`d like to try this ![icon_confused.gif](upload://qv5zppiN69qCk2Y6JzaFYhrff8S.gif) wet basements

"Installing Drain Systems"-- perhaps the most common wet basement remedy is a drain & pump system. However, this solution addresses the symptoms of wet basements rather than the causes. As such, it is 'less' than ideal. However, the primary goal of a dry basement can be achieved with some certainty, which explains the methods popularity with contractors & consumers. These systems are 'not inexpensive'. Installing such systems is what Most waterproofing companies do. Of course, not my azz

"A Warning"-- 1st paragraph, they are right on the money

2nd parag...inspectors & engineers, they state 'will do a much more thorough job' Than who? Than most Inside and some Outside companies, sure! "experts' in what, waterproofing? That`s stretching the truth a bit, maybe a few....maybe. Experts in many other things, sure!

'for unbiased and much more comprehensive advice'....well, i`ll go along mostly with unbiased but if they are not educated FULLY w/waterproofing then where does the comprehensive part come in? "extensive Understanding' Oops, thats right i just took a shot, sowy!, in all seriousness, MOST of You HI`s are dang good about Many things ta do with Homes `n Most of you should be consulted-hired by homeowners, i didnt say all , just like w/builders `n waterproofers etc.

3rd P-- Another problem w/waterproofing companies is price gouging. Several well established firms in this market are believed to conspire to fix prices. Hurray!!!!!!! Somebody else said it! ......Waterproofing is the one home service field in this area (and others) where a significant chunk of the market is held by.......unscrupulous firms! Don`t let the firms size fool you.

Let`s see, what else is troubling me today

These guys have evidently won numerous awards,hey Congratulations! and state they indeed are the Nation`s #1 Waterproofer! And maybe they are the very best, i personally weep for the wet.

BBB lists-

Mid-Atlantic Waterproofing Laurel,MD 64 complaints last 36 mth BBB does not say satisfactory or not

Mid-Atlantic Waterproofing South Plainfield,NJ 41 complaints last 36 'satisfactory'

Mid-Atlantic Waterproofing York,PA 28 complaints last 36 'satisfactory'

Mid-Atlantic Waterproofing Boothwyn,PA 34 complaints last 36 doesnt say either way

Mid-Atlantic Waterproofing Yonkers,NY 0 complaints since file was opened,became BBB member June 2005

The validty of complaints filed agst waterproofers, imo....Most are very valid. Yeah sure there may be 1 or 2 bogus ones or maybe when the consumer didnt understand that by fixing 1 wall does not mean the other 3 will not leak ...and so on.

But for many, after just spending a WAD of $cash$ and were told directly that doing an Inside system will.... STOP water from penetrating basement walls through cracks `n other openings below and above ground and were led to believe having this sytem done would also then Stop/prevent mold,radon gas and Stop-relieve lateral & hydrostatic pressure agst the outside of walls etc, and in a lil time have found out first hand that it doesnt, shht, i`d file a complaint too.

Did you read the Last few paragraphs in this story?

The owner of the company changed `n submitted different version of contract to the court which said "No warranty"

The Kid who swallows too many marbles doesn`t grow up to have kid`s of his own.

Originally Posted By: Mark Anderson
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'Wet Basements'

-Are sump pump systems allowed in Shaker Heights?

Yes, but this is not the approach we recommend.It`s not water-proofing,it`s water management.The way it works is the contractor drill holes in your foundation to allow water in through the wall,where it is directed into a pipe (inside your basement) that leads to a pump that pumps the water back to the storm sewer system........this approach does not eliminate mold,mildew or fungus,which can be associated with health problems....etc.

Darn skippy, and it doesn`t stop/prevent lateral & hydrostatic pressure agst outside of walls & radon `n insect entry either.

-What if the problem is not related to surface grading and water is leaking through the foundation?

The preferred method for dealing with damp & leaking basements is to dig around perimeter of foundation (only where needed!) all the way down to the footing;apply waterproofing the outside of the foundation walls;fill any cracks in the foundation.....................fill in with at least 2' of washed gravel.......that`s, Waterproofing done right ![aiwebs_011.gif](upload://kZxBJI3tGz2E3UjHHmNTpcdQwLw.gif)

more on the lil 'space' invaders

M Blues...each day has it`s always,
a look down life`s hallways,
doorways, to lead you there

Originally Posted By: Mark Anderson
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--Trees and Your Foundation--

....strong foundation are sometimes damaged by small roots that entered tiny cracks, then grew & expanded the crack.Large roots can push bulges into the foundation wall....

--Wet Basements--

....strom sewer, if these pipes are clogged with roots or collapsed, the water will Back-Up, possibly into your basement. Your plumber (an experienced/honest one) can clean these lines or tell you if they must be replaced. In plumber lingo, this is known as....snaking the lines.

.....Also, be wary of Waterproofing companies that recommend Interior basement perimeter drains and a sump`ll still have open water in your basement thus the possibilty of a musty odor & excessive humidity.

yup, and mold,radon insects `n lateral & hydrostatic pressure possibly cracking,bowing a wall + behind drywall etc.

--Rot, insect damage--

....rot does not occur without, first, the presence of excessive moisture and second, the presence of fungus spores........many people are confused by the term 'dry rot', after all, how can something rot if it`s dry? ![eusa_think.gif](upload://lNFeGuTetUAtwNVgUSOuUzgrGGK.gif) The reason is that the rotted area was once wet or suffered from seasonal wet & dry periods.

MB`s...cold hearted orb that rules the night,
removes the colors from our sight,
red is gray & yellow white,
but we decide which is right,
and which is an Illusion

Originally Posted By: mcyr
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Originally Posted By: Mark Anderson
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Merry Christmas to you and all! Q2

Glen is heard on 150 stations nationwide 'cunning contractor' video $3,800 for this? ![aiwebs_009.gif](upload://UolAtarYBaB7gvuTT4ehATuNdh.gif) $1,900 down?

'Timmy' dug a lil knee deep trench and is gonna paint the inside wall

--When criminals in this world appear & break the laws that they should fear and frighten all who see or hear the cry goes up both far `n near for....Underdog

Originally Posted By: kwilliams
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Mark, Merry Christmas to you