Can anyone assist with the age for a Chrysler Airtemp Natural Gas Furnace? The serial numbers are 3A824693 and 3A824879.
I checked Building Intelligence Center and they do not have the first two digits of the serial numbers from the furnaces. They are quite old. From what I could find online, it appears they may have been built in 1973, based on the first digit. Just trying to confirm before putting that in my report.
I found this reference online: “Chrysler Air Temp: Age is shown by the first digit of the serial number and corresponds to the last number of the year of manufacturer. Example 0C893745 = 1970. 1 = 1971, 2 = 1972, etc. Use common sense and visual observation to distinguish decades from one another.”
I don’t know about the Chrysler Airtemp gas furnace ages. But, if they look that old, I would just report that they are beyond their useful lives and to budget for replacement…that is if they were operating as they should at inspection time. Otherwise, refer them out to a qualified HVAC tech.
“Working” and “working properly” or “as designed” are very different concepts. The former is what a typical homeowner would tell you while trying to sell their “used” house. As a HI consulting your client, one should know the major difference between the concepts.