CMI Peer Reviews

The following CMI’s have been certified to do the peer reviews for Alberta Chapter InterNACHI members as called for by the government.
You must get your peer review to get your HI licence.
Daniel W. Levia, CMIDarrell B. Hadler, CMIFritz G. Kamprath, CMIGaylene A. Patko, CMIJohn Mills, CMIKevin Hawes, CMIStephen Keep, CMISteve C. Horvath, CMI, Vern A. Mitchinson, CMI
To be certified to do Peer reviews for our members your must have attended a peer review procedures workshop.
The peer review procedure is to be used for Alberta InterNACHI Chapter members.
We have submitted and have approval from Scott Hood to use this procedure.
This procedure was developed by Chapter members for chapter members use.
The use was also endorsed and sanctioned by the membership at the June 16 meeting.
Use by any unauthorized individuals is a copyright violation and will suffer the full force of the law for plagiarism


Are these Peer Review inspections “Mock” or “Fee Paid”?



Please read the Procedures on page 1 and 2 of the peer review.
It is a real inspection.
Mock or Fees are not an issue one way or the other.

**The object of the exercise is to determine the competency of the applicant to do an inspection, compile a report and present the findings. **

Can NACHI is using a modified CAHPI procedure. The procedure we designed is to judge the actual inspection procedures and ability of the applicant and whether or not he/she meets the SOP.
The CAHPI process tests the applicant’s ability to find the same defects the proctor found. It does not test the applicants ability to follow inspection procedures or whether or not the SOP has been.
Also our test checks the agreements compliance with the regulations (law).
Any Inspector that can pass our test will be able to do an inspection that meets the current law and InterNACHI’s SOP.

What happens after Sept 1 2011?
If I interpret the law correctly the only way you can get a Home Inspectors licence is to be employed by a licenced HI business and have passed the Carson Dunlap’s correspondence courses at a cost of 4000.00.
There is no requirement for field training and no peer reviews.
The corundum is the requirement that you be employed by a licenced HI business but can not do inspections without a licence.
How is this supposed to work?

Vern, when is the next CMI peer review workshop. Now have CMI designation.

For after Sept 1 st

  • **degree, diploma or certificate **in home inspection from an approved educational institution, and
  • satisfactory completion of a test inspection](Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction | a dwelling supervised by an approved educational institution or a licensed home inspector holding a Certified Master Inspector (CMI) designation or a Registered Home Inspector (RHI) designation

this is for full license , not conditional, the conditional is based on no verified education, once you complete an approved course and complete a peer review, RHI or CMI , get your insurance and apply for full license, you don`t need to work for a multi inspection firm. nothing has really changed with licensing as far as operating goes, just the GOV making sure every one has an approved education and insurance.