Coming soon. How to Perform a Radon Inspections book. 312 pages.


Will there be sections on QA/QP (quality assurance and protection)

I had a hard time when I changed from Radalink to Sun when I had to create my own QA/QP plan.

I look forward to the book.

Since when do we “inspect” for Radon?

I know I “test” for Radon, and report results according to EPA standards,
but “inspect” ?

Good point!!

I could see the inspecting for the mitigation system!!

Maybe the tiltle should be How to perform radon testing and inspecting Mitigation systems.

More and more homes have radon systems. These systems don’t last very long (most radon fans have but a 5 year warranty). Along with taking measurements, a complete radon inspection includes determining if a radon system exists, that it is in good working order, and that it is actually operating:

Also, a U-tube manometer only reveals if there is a vacuum in one portion of the system… and maybe it doesn’t even do that. Builder installed sub-slab systems, block wall systems, crawl-space systems, and sub-slab systems that are drawing from a very good gravel base all pull so much air (high cfm coming out of exhaust) that no noticeable pressure difference is apparent at the U-tube.

Anyway, just checking the U-tube doesn’t tell you if a radon system is in working order. Just as inspecting to see that the system is in working order doesn’t tell you what the radon level is.

Will the cost be about the same as the mold inspection book?
With SOP and procedures?
Set one aside for me, Please!

Me too… Better yet…

me me me me me … did I win? :mrgreen:

Email me your shipping address Steven and I’ll sneak you one for free as this thing is as big as War and Peace and won’t be cheap. Here is my email address:

I’ve got this “book” (downloaded version). I’m in the process of writing a Quality Assurance Plan, which is more work than I had anticipated. States may differ in their QAP requirements. Here in Maine, We’re supposed to use the format described in the National Radon Proficiency Program on Quality Assurance (EPA 402-R-95-012, October 1997) Chapter 9. It can get confusing trying to know where to put which information within the format. Even though this book does not give specific information on how to write a Quality Assurance Plan, I have found it to be extremely helpful. I’ve got it in my “documents” along with the EPA 402-R-012… , I switch back and forth between them and use the search option to find what I need. It’s better than a conventional index.


I own this book as well.

I made the mistake of getting a QA/QP plan from a inspector, who recieved from another who received from another. (You get the picture)

2 years ago when I submitted my renewal I had all sorts of issues. Sending monitors to a unqualified lab, not understanding working level exposure. Not understanding the QA/QP plan. The OHIO Dept. Of Health does not mess around!!

This time around I fully understand my QA/QP plan and hope that this time there are no issues.

If you need any help plesase feel free to emial me or call, but it soundslike you are doing a great job.

I have some Excel spreadsheets that calculate working level exposure and duplicates < > then 4 pCi/L.

Our first edition sold out and the second edition finished printing on Friday. Plenty in stock again.

This book is, by far, the best single source for home inspectors to refer to for background (for discussions with clients and other professionals), inspection techniques, mitigation systems…and inspection of mitigation systems. It’s all here in one book. I love it and consider it to be the best of NACHI’s growing library.