Did mister builder waterproof the outside walls or damproof them?
And did they backfill with most-all gravel/sand OR did they backfill with same soil that was excavated?
Is your garage or a porch directly on the outside of either crack?
IF…if…if one or both cracks are where the garage or a porch is outside AND they only damproofed you may be OK per ‘water-intrusion’…for awhile,long as there is no further movement,long as crack(s) do not widen.BUT IF crack(s) widen a bit due to possible porch-footing leaning against wall or garage/driveway slab against wall or clay soil etc against walls then you prolly will leak…got that? lol
So instead of screwing around and taking any chances and hoping there isnt any future movement/widening, i
d have em waterproof the cracks, PROTECT YOUR azz. Down the road if there are any problems, mister builder will be long gone,won
t wanna talk with you.
Here is a homeowner who had vertical crack,leaked. Mr builder looongg gone as Ernie Harwell used ta say http://www2.snapfish.com/thumbnailshare/AlbumID=228621104/a=122238283_111847456/t_=122238283
They only damproofed walls,big DIFF between damproofing and waterproofing AND they backfilled with same lousy clay soil that was excavated…never good.They did not pack any rod holes either ](*,)
Please do NOT buy,believe what builder might tell you,or others such as something like…‘just keep the grade sloped away and add longer downspout extensions’.
This homeowners GRADE is sloped away and builder boy even put in some sub-surface drain tile to try `n divert water away.Gotta fix/repair the cracks/openings!
Pics 19,20 See GRADE sloped away
Pics 3,4 Hairline vertical crack and YES, it leaked…we wouldnt have been there/hired if it wasn
t leaking.
11,12 See the crap CLAY soil, heavy chtt and it expands and contracts against the basement wall,could cause a crack OR, WIDEN an existing crack all by its lonesome self.
Also note ROD HOLES. Did builder fill/pack each rod hole with cement? Doubt it, so be aware in coming months/years any rod hole can,could begin to leak.
See this homeowners story, -Man says Building Co won
t honor warranty
Little more on builders
One more thing please…you could,you might have something like this
http://www.kodakgallery.com/BrowsePhotos.jsp?collid=95168879412.798244534112.1230838022193 Pics 2,3
This is a control-joint. Most…not all builders do NOT seal/waterproof this correctly on the OUTSIDE. If YOU have this it would usually be on the 2 longer walls at-near middle of each wall, you should see a ‘V’ in walls unless builder or sub patched/filled this ‘V’ in,on the inside. Just another heads up.
Few pics from Army Corps Engs, Amherst NY…CLAY SOIL
I`d stay away from any inside injection/ptach job if thats whats offered
Pic 1 Lateral pressure causing typical 45 degree stair-step crack…
Pic 2 Lateral pressure causing vertical mid span crack
Pic 3 Lateral pressure causing top of basement wall to bow inward 9 inches
(pilasters failed to brace wall)