Could it be mold? I need some opinions

I have the feeling that you are one of the type of inspectors that I often have to clean-up after because the client is still becoming ill. This type of inspector charges a fee and says mold is just hype but I have no idea why you are having chronic symptoms when you are in your home.

Finding the cause of the problem is common sense. Denying the problem exists is foolish.

And another thing, Joe. You do not believe that water grains in the air can not be absorbed by drywall? You are smarter than that.


“Water grains” ???

Do you mean moisture, or droplets, or perhaps granules? Grains?

Wheat or oat?

Come on…

And this is PRECISELY the problem with our industry, James. You see, you also HAVE NO IDEA WHY THE CLIENT IS FEELING ILL.

Is is mold? Is it something else. Tell me, James, what else shall we test for today?

Please tell me… Are you an immunologist? An allergist? A pulmonologist? An interninst? A respiratory therapist? An infectious disease doctor? An osteopath? A rheumatologist? An orthapedist? A neurologist?

What gives you the pedigree, legally or morally, to make the statement you made with regard to discovering what is wrong with someone’s HEALTH? You have no BUSINESS, legaly or otherwise to develop any hypothesis with regard to human illness.

Read the research. Read the re-print from the mayo clinic and other research institutes with regard to the correlation between molds and the alleged illnesses associated with it. Officially, there is little to support the hysteria of blaming mold for everything from cancer (unless it is actually INGESTED in large quantities) to the sub-prime mortgage crisis.

So, are we speaking of simple allergies or hypersensitive pneumonitis? Is it Legionairre’s Disease. What is it?

With one person feeling ill, it definitely AIN’T sick building syndrome.

Had the client gone for testing by a medical doctor? Has the physician recommended testing for mold and other substances? How about pesticides or herbicides, dust, and dander? Or anything else, for that matter. What PROTOCOLS shall we use today? Will we bore into the wall and take a sample from the wall cavity. What is the acceptable level of aspergillius for your client to live with. Can you tell me, please. Give me a number?

Oh, I forgot… there is no such number or level.

Give me a break. Read the transcription of the teleconference given by the CDC relative to Katrina and being fleeced by mold testing companies. Oh, I forgot. You are obviously far more knowledgable on this subject that the physician who heads the CDC’s division on respiratory illnesses, and the EPA official involved with the issue, or the head of Louisiana’s Health Department.

Silly me.

Dont mean to be combative here, James… but a lot of what you are saying can steer inspectors in the wrong direction.

You may already have these. In case you don’t.

EPA has a decent free course, also good for Nachi credit.

[pretty neat trick to get credit for something without any means of verification! :roll:

You can also get 12 Hrs credit for the NACHI Mold Course in less then 1 hour, just take and pass the final exam, another neat trick :roll:

Does this bother anyone?


At least there’s a test to pass for credit…

I’ve been to many on-site CE where some just slept though the course and received their credit just like the ones that paid attention and actually learned something :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Maybe I’m thinking too much of an on-line course that can be used in some states for license renewal

btw…the information was useful, it just lessens the credibility of the industry when “pseudo-certifications” are issued by others and NACHI…jmo


No one is allowed to sleep in any of my classes, or run the risk of catching a beat-down from the instructor:D


Exceptions exist, not the norm, I commend you!

Just in case keep

on hand

U.S. (EPA) Mold Web Course
Jul 27, 2007 in Washington, DC Credits 4.0_

I agree with the way to get credit without verification. Personally I believe for someone to skip through these courses or say they did but didn’t would be their loss. I read through this one and took all of the quizzes. This was before Nachi had a mold course.

This shows proctored exams do help.

Note: I do not offer mold inspections.

If all you going to do is to twist my words around than to have a sensible conversation, than I will be done talking with you.
You got to listen to be a good teacher Joe. Just go to a local mold victims group in your area before you start spouting mold is just a fraud. Your ignorance about mold can and someday will endanger an innocent life. If you get to Missouri, I will be glad to arrange some meetings with my former clients for they can share their stories with you.
Think about this Joe, if a client was getting ill, the doctors do not know why and this has been going on for years. The only thing that could be found in the environment was considered toxic mold and the mold was remediated successfully. A couple days later the client’s symptoms disappeared. What changed? (I can show you too many of my cases, so this cannot be a coincidence.)
Note: Some of my clients have experienced permanent disabilities because of mold. They will most likely be disabled for the rest of their lives. But most of the chronic symptoms have disappeared after the mold was remediated successfully.
I help mold victims for a living. I do not just read or listen to information that our government throws out there, because the government has been wrong before. I try to keep up on current information by studying what the top mold specialist in our country have found. (The government takes too long to adopt to new studies.) I am in the trenches fighting for the lives of my clients. Narrow minds will not stop me. Common sense always prevail.

The Toxic Mold Rush: California Mom Helps Fuel an Obsession

There’s no doubt that the mold incubating in Erin’s lungs 10 years ago was real, as was her severe allergic reaction. What is in doubt — severe doubt — is the “toxic clouds” and poisonous spores blamed throughout California and the nation for maladies from hemorrhoids to bleeding scalp, memory loss, athlete’s foot and even rotten teeth.
Oh, there’s mold there. Mold accounts for a quarter of the world’s biomass. It is living rot, and, to many, a sign of death. Mold can sicken people in three ways, according to the National Academy of Sciences and the CDC. Very large quantities can irritate a person’s nose or eyes. It can cause an allergic response. In the very frail, it can cause infection.
Mold grows in moisture and warmth, emitting spores and cell fragments. But there’s no evidence that it can take away a 480-pound man’s ability to run, as one very fat victim claimed, or cause a person’s teeth to itch, as another insisted.
As insurance companies and builders stiffened their defense in response to the “mold rush,” scientist Bruce Kelman entered the picture — as a skeptical, serious scientific type calling out the mold movement.

Click story headline to read whole thing.


You’re a bit dramatic for me. Who are you? Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare.

Let’s see, James. Could it be that the ALLERGIC REACTION to the mold which was present magnified another toxic substance in or around the environment, which is the REAL cause of the problem to begin with?

Was the mold the actual problem, or a trigger mechanism for something else.

Sorry, but… I’m truly sorry that members of your family got sick. However, the more that is learned about mold, the more it is debunked.

And, its not just me. In fact, the great Texas mold case, which was settled for substantially less than what was originally awarded (on appeal) is rarely mentioned.

Again, the more that is discovered by health care professionals, the more doubt is cast on the TRUE nature of what is happening.

More drama.

Just because others do not believe your entire line of crap, does not translate into a narrow mind. Sure mold can and is unhealthy. But the degree of drama you throw around should win you a drama desk award.

As to common sense prevailing… All I can say is that I sincerely hope so.

The following information is presented as a reminder that the truth has yet to be determined with regard to mold exposure.

The final bits of information deal specifically why the tide has apparently turned against those who claim that mold is to blame for just about everything. it is a long read, but makes some of my points, especially as it pertains to litigation…





You really need to restate these points and expound upon them on your next NACHI Tv video. I’m sure that the NACHI Tv Educational Film Producer, in his constant search for truth over hyperbole, would be happy to produce it.:wink:

In all seriousness…I think that there was a lot of hoopla made over mold on both sides of the issue. Lawyers who were waiting for the ambulance driver strike to end found a new “novelty lawsuit” they could exploit. On our side of the fence, many home inspectors and laboratories decided to take advantage of the hysteria.

Now that more actual studies have been performed, it looks like the middle of the road (as usual) has the smoothest travel.

Should an elderly man dying from emphazema lie in a bed in a room filled with mold spores? Of course not. Will Mark Phelps die from the mold growing on his towel as he swims 20 laps tomorrow? Probably not. The truth can rarely be found in the extremes.

Bottom line is that there are way too many things that can contribute to ones health problems. The first thing out of my mouth with clients is “Do you or anyone in your family have health related problems such as asthma, allergies, or anything else. Have you all been previously tested for both environmental and food related allergies or any other testing. Etc.”

Joe last I knew you weren’t a DR or even close to becoming qualified as one, so what makes you any different or anymore qualified? Remember there is no such qualifications. Why the constant ranting about how you know all? I’m pretty sure we are all here to learn. You fuel the fire instead of being helpful.

Joe told me a story once about how he wrote up a basement for moisture damage and warned the client of conditions conducive to mold. Without further examination or inspection after Joe’s advice, the client bought the property anyway. After moving in he discovered an odor and hired a “mold guy” to inspect who tore out a wall behind a pile of furniture that was present during Joe’s inspection and found mold he claimed to be “toxic”…alarming the client by forbidding him to go into the basement…and the client wanted to hold Joe accountable. The inspector, by tearing out the wall, released more spores and caused more danger to the client than had previously existed.

This kind of crap would sour me, too.

There are people in our profession who are exploiting mold…with the mantra “Mold is Gold”. They are doing it at the expense of the consumer and, in some cases, at the expense of the good reputations of fellow home inspectors.

Our SOP excludes mold. Those of us who do not offer the additional service do not concern ourselves beyond the existence of conducive conditions for mold and/or wood destroying insects.

There are too some untrained home inspectors out there but I do not tell people that home inspectors are frauds.
And how could the mold spores cause damage when Joe says mold is not dangerous?
Joe cannot paint everything with a broad brush.
Joe’s problem is with that inspector. Not the mold industry.

I don’t disagree, James.

Few people know the extent of your training and the fact that you actually employ a forensic hygenist to work with you.

Unlike you with your investment in training, equipment and skilled employees…some so-called “mold inspectors” become so by watching a video, calling themselves certified, and establishing an account with Pro-Lab.

Those who sell the video and provide the lab services will argue that this is sufficient. You know it’s not…and these are the folks who are being addressed, generally, in Joe’s comments, I’m sure.