Counterfeit Square D Breakers - Fire Hazard

Connecticut Electric Recalls Counterfeit Square D Circuit Breakers Due To Fire Hazard

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. **Name of Product: **Counterfeit “Square D” Circuit Breakers
**Units: **About 64,000
**Distributor: **Connecticut Electric & Switch Mfg. Co. (Connecticut Electric), of Puyallup, Wash.
**Hazard: ** The recalled circuit breakers labeled “Square D” are counterfeit and could fail to trip when they are required to, posing a fire hazard to consumers.
**Incidents/Injuries: **Connecticut Electric has not received any report of incidents or injuries associated with these counterfeit circuit breakers.
**Description: **The counterfeit circuit breakers are black and are marked as Square D products. Connecticut Electric has identified the following breakers as possibly being counterfeit: QO115, QO120, QO140, QO2125, QO215, QO220, QO230, QO240, QO250, QO260, QO1515, QO2020, QO3100, QO320, QO330, QO340, QO360, QOB120, QOB130, QOB220, QOB230, QOB250, QOB330, and QOB360. Actual Square D circuit breakers have (a) the amp rating written on the handle in white paint on the front of the breaker; (b) the Square D insignia molded onto the breaker side, and; © a yellow chromate mounting clip with half of the top of the clip visible. If your Square D breaker does not match this description, it could be counterfeit.
**Sold through: **Electrical Distributors and hardware stores nationwide from February 2005 through August 2006 for between about $6.50 and $15.50.
**Manufactured in: **China
**Remedy: **Consumers should contact Connecticut Electric to determine if the breaker they have is counterfeit and if necessary, to arrange for a free inspection and replacement or refund.
**Consumer Contact: **For more information, Call Connecticut Electric at (866) 264-3702 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET Monday through Friday or visit the company’s Web site at Consumers also can obtain additional information by emailing Connecticut Electric at

**Genuine Square D Circuit Breaker

As a reminder -

Eaton ® produces a "Classified" breaker that is UL Listed for use in the Square D both QO and HOM versions. Do not confuse the recall with these perfectly legal classified breakers.

The counterfeit ones try to pass themselves off as Sq D…thats the difference…

What is the identifying difference with the Sq. D?.. I have a 200 amp panel full, some were added during the recall ‘time’ period… Do you need to pull them out to tell?


Does this (the “QO” numbers) mean that “HOM” breakers are not affected?