On A new home should faced insulation be used in the crawlpspace between the floor joist. On the floor above there is hardwood flooring goind down with no underlayment or vapor barrier. Is this a sign of futre vapor issues?:shock:
Looks like an OSB subfloor to me. Am I misunderstanding what you’re saying?
The faced side should be toward the floor area.
Also it is best to put a 6 mil poly throughout the crawlspace.
If it is a nailed down floor then that installer should have put at least
a #15 felt under the hardwood. With crawlspaces wood flooring has a tendency
to cup, especially with larger boards.
In Florida this scenario is often a dissaster. Vapor barriers and insulation are needed. The direction that the vapor barrier faces is probably flip flop in your neck of the woods from what would be done in Florida, so I will leave that to others to answer. In Florida we have excessive heat and humidity on the exterior and cool dry air on the interior. We are trying to keep the heat and humidity from reaching the flooring. I have seen many floors cup and warp due to the crawl space, and have even had to include special addendums to my construction contract to account for them.