Foolish you. Too many margaritas clouding your thinking?
lol…I dont drink…RR…MUCH anyway
Paul…I inspected a 300,000 square foot building for Hamilton Sundstrand which is a division of IBM a few years ago. All the distribution panels throughout the building had crimp connectors on the branch circuit wiring.
I was very impressed with the professionalism put into the system design. I asked my electrician why the connectors were there, because I had never seen an entire system wired as such.
His explanation was the fact there was stranded conductors used for the electrical system and the companies use of sensitive equipment in the building warranted a very precise connection at the circuit beakers.
BINGO…Your electrician’s response is correct which is why the local AHJ allowed it ;)…I am sure you will see it even more of them in Commercial applications in the days to come with stranded wire…T & B are pushing them hard.
What is the name of the circuit breaker and panelboard you show in your original first post?
How old is the equipment?
Paul: I would like to know what your abbreviations next to my name mean?
Joe- Many in VA use the term CME as Certified Master Electrician and RMS is Radon Measurement Specialist
lol…I dont always use the RMS…its corny
Did,nt know it was on my title bar anymore…go figure
RMS no longer means Real Margarita Slurper? Darn.
Hell YEAH…I like that better…I am AMAZED you do not have it in your title RR…lol
Paul, I was not referring to your name! Read my message again!
I want to know what you mean by calling me a “Spin Doctor” and using this term :roll: JoeBu…I
lol…SPin is…turning a new leaf to which I am HAPPY for you…and Joe BU is a pet name I have for people named JOE…
OK, like I called you Bubba…
Meaning “Good Ole Boy”
lol…I think…:)…yeah that would apply…I have been called worse…lol
A redneck lectrishun from out in the boondocks?
yeah…what RR called me…
I didn’t call you anything!
What did I call you?
Not me.
lol…was it a hilly billy…or was it a …awww heck RR…You can call me anything you like…just dont call me Sparky