Detector VS Alarm


Is that also a detector? Or just an alerting device?

I wouldn’t. I would likely comment that the system should be tested by the appropriate monitoring service and/or documentation shared of recent testing. A “Fire Alarm System” indicates it is still an alarm.


You are 100% right, Bob!

Sense/Detect > Alarm/Notify

Some large commercial/industrial systems that are centrally monitor, may not trigger an audible alarm on the area where the smoke or unusual temperature was detected. The monitoring operator will dispatch an agent (humanoid) or will verify via video monitoring capabilities installed in the location before they actually alert the first responder cognizant department.

But in Home Inspections, this is seldom the case. Most and all Sensors are combined with an audible alarms and as per newer fire depart codes, they must be wired or wireless interconnected with all the rest of the sensor/alarms in the dwelling to alert all residents and
Bystanders of the possible situation and run :man_running:…!

In an unrelated and somewhat similar question is…When are we going to stop calling a panel board cover a dead front? Or is that for another thread?

I would start a new thread. Just to get it started this is the Article 100 NEC definition.

Dead Front. Without live parts exposed to a person on the
operating side of the equipment. (CMP-9)


Richard, if the “panel” doesn’t have “a pulse”, therefore is “dead”

For some electrical panel, just some…!

An electric panel will generally have one or two covers. Panels with two covers have an outer cover (which will open to the side or upwards) and an inner cover, called a “Dead Front

Some creative internal decorators have found the way to violate the NEC recommendations. Keep it in sight for emergencies…! These are not “Dead Covers”, these will make sure “the residents are dead”…!! :roll_eyes:

I have heard this explanation from my brother-in-law, an electrician for over 40 years. Yet it still seems to conflict with the NEC definition and InterNACHI definition. What is your source?

I started a new thread…

I already have. Many years ago, as far as report writing goes. :wink: :upside_down_face:


Im saying footer and Im sticking to it !!! :face_with_spiral_eyes: :joy: :rofl:


You know what you can lick, right!??

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Meanwhile in a Gun Forum somewhere… Clip…No it’s Magazine…No I’m calling it a Clip…Magazine!

Me…I don’t sweat the small stuff…But do shoot an M1 Garand



I have never seen that in a residence.

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If we have to look up the definition of what an alarm vs detector is, then what do our average clients think these are called.?
I believe that either would get the point across and the clients would understand what we are referring to.
KISS… Keep It Simple Stupid


Completely agree as I have been using “detector” incorrectly for 23 years without a single issue, but since this is an easy one to use the correct term, I will use “alarm” going forward.

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I found this whole thread quite alarming…


In my area… Smoke Alarms!

Patton called it the gun that won the war! Obama tried to prevent anyone from buying it. Bad ass Weapon!

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I’m detecting some humor in your post.


I think both of you are just blowing smoke.