Dip tubes from tank water heaters made between 1993 and 1997. Prolene 6654

Seemed like a good one for the recall category, though there was not apparently a formal recall.

Perfection Corporation is the manufacturer of 90% of the dip tubes used in domestic water heaters. This includes the most popular brands like: State, A.O. Smith, and Rheem. The Consumer Product Safety Commission has not issued a recall because they did not find a safety concern with the failures. When the dip tube fails, the amount of usable hot water may be significantly reduced and faucets may become clogged with plastic pieces of the failed tube.

The dip tubes, which deteriorate into a gel-like substance or plastic particles, may mix with hot water supplied throughout the household, potentially damaging appliances and infiltrating household plumbing systems. The polypropylene dip tubes were installed in hot water heaters sold and distributed throughout the country since approximately 1993.

Perfection had been manufacturing and selling plastic dip tubes for approximately 40 years. In 1992, Perfection entered into negotiations with Manner Plastics Materials, Inc. for the purchase of a proprietary form of polypropylene called Prolene 6654 (Prolene). Between August 1993 and October 1996, Perfection manufactured its dip tubes out of Prolene.


And yes, I still see functioning water heaters of this age, and plastic bits in the sink aerators.

Interesting. There was a recent post about a gel substance. Possibly in a water filter? If anyone remembers, please post and we could follow thru all the way to the water heater.

The bad dip tubes that deteriorated did not turn into gel, it was more the consistency of large sand grains. That gel substance was most likely from a failed water softener that was releasing the resin beads into the water.