Originally Posted By: phinsperger This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Providing the rest of the panel is wired ok I think that what you are looking at is the result of a chemical reaction (ie. oxidization) rather than a thermal issue.
1) In order for copper to turn color due to heat it would have to surpass the thermal tolerance of the insulation. Since the insulation does not show signs of melting I doubt the wire would have reached the temperatures needed to turn color.
2) The discoloration is visible on the vast majority of circuits. Very unlikely that all those circuits would have been overloading and the main did not trip.
3) The main EGC also shows the discoloration. Again very unlikely that this wire would have receive enough current to turn it black without tripping something.
The fact that you never saw it to this extent before may mean that there is something in the vicinity (ie household chemicals) that is contributing to the oxidization effect.
Oh and by the way. Two black wire neutrals do not appear to be identified and have the insulation stripped.