In the photos, the furnace is in the garage. The issues I’m concerned about are the supply ducts lacking duct wrap and furnace not installed on a platform. Also, if anyone else notices deficiencies that I missed, please rescue me from my ignorance! Thanks.
For one thing, in my area (Tulsa, OK) that type of ducting is not allowed in the garage. Any exposed ducts in a garage must be fireproof. Non-fireproof ducts must be run inside a fire rated chase.
It is the same around here in Michigan.
R302.5.2 Duct penetration. Ducts in the garage and ducts
penetrating the walls or ceilings separating the dwelling
from the garage shall be constructed of a minimum No. 26
gage (0.48 mm) sheet steel or other approved material and
shall not have openings into the garage.
The wrap/insulation doesn’t really matter. What’s most important is maintaining the fire separation between the garage and the living areas. As Bob pointed out, that involves a certain metal thickness as well as not having gaps or openings.