Finding bathroom vent terminations (under the insulation)


Found that one too many times!!

Picture is a violation?

Did the exterior and then the interior, and knew where it was going to be, stuffed under the insulation exiting towards the soffit.

I know, that pink was distracting too. :slight_smile:

Yep, there is the window and there is the stain.
Here in snow country, these signs are written on the wall. Never fails to vent in the attic near a soffit line.

Marcel :slight_smile:

I take this a step further…***if it’s installed in the home, it needs to work properly, ***whether it’s required or not.

The seller says “nope the dryer vent has been connected for years, why do you ask?” :roll:


That is funny Brian. The guy was not lying, it is connected, it just never been exited to the outside and been adding to the insulation in the attic. I am surprised the OSB is not black, but this must be in a warmer climate.

Good pick of what we normally see.

Marcel :slight_smile: :smiley: