Fire blocking around furnace flue

Originally Posted By: jwortham
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How difficult is it to go back and install fireblocking?

I was able to look down fron the attic all the way to the basement where the furnace vent comes up. Doesn't appear to be any fireblocking the entire way.


It's a townhouse. So is that an association problem? Or a buyer problem?

Originally Posted By: jpope
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Typically, the fire blocking is only required where the duct penetrates the drywall to the living space.

If you are referring to the fire block in the wall framing, that is only required where the wall is closed on both sides, not in a chase such as that.

In most cases, the association would be responsible if it were a common area. This may be considered to be the owners responsibility.

The clearance is obviously an issue and should be corrected.

Jeff Pope
JPI Home Inspection Service
"At JPI, we'll help you look better"
(661) 212-0738

Originally Posted By: jwortham
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Mucho’s gracias Mr. Pope! icon_biggrin.gif

Originally Posted By: scieslewicz
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There should have been firestopping (the metal plate that is flush) placed at each story penetration. Also, there should be at least a one inch clearance to combustibles for the vent (so seeing the tape measure vent to framing is an issue.)

Chances are all the THs are the same way and it is a definite problem especially in a multi family dwelling. The fire burn time is severly compromised!!

Nice catch!!
Sue Cieslewicz

Originally Posted By: jpeck
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Jeffery W.,

Susan has got it right (but then, she should, she is a code inspector).

Jerry Peck
South Florida

Originally Posted By: dbroad
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Fire blocking is required at ceiling line. All gaps or air chaises are required to be sealed off from main living area so nothing can get into the atic. I know this for I am building a house now and the County inspector called the framer on it, for he didnt believe me. Know the framer knows this as well.