10 left.
Chuck Evans
33606 Deer Creek Way
Stagecoach, TX 77355
(936) 522-8633
Thank You
Excellent offer Nick, Too bad I retired
Chuck wins. 9 left.
And a Happy New Year to you and all!
Thank you,
Marcel Gratton
368, rue De Rayol
Gatineau Quebec
Canada J8T8B1
Marcel wins. 8 left.
8 left.
Do I win?
Yes. Philo wins. 7 more.
I’ll gladly take one!
Thanks Nick and Joe!
Happy New Year Nick!
I hope I win!!!
Jay wins. 6 more.
Skyler wins. 5 more.
Winners, email Joe Ferry at josephferry@mac.com to redeem your free year of Claims Assist.
We still have 5 more. Who wants them?
5 left.
I’ll take it
Thank you, thank you!
kmoseley wins. 4 more.