First 10 to reply win Structural Issues for Home Inspectors book. Merry Christmas.

Here it is:

Compliments of

To win, post your name and city.

Unless you give us other instructions, your prize will be shipped to the address you have on file in

If you already have the item, don’t want it, or have won plenty already but still want to play… post “PASS.”

Merry Christmas!

Christopher Levia
Red Deer

Russell Hensel
Fort Myers, Florida

Christian Mettel

Aurora, Ontario

Mark Simmons
Maricopa Az.

Ron Cleland
Hutchinson, MN. 55350

Mike Wagner
Lake Worth, FL

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas

Tom Hession
Pinellas Park, Fl. 33782

Ray Thoroman
Gainesville GA

John Scaparo
Canton, MI


John Harrison
Council Bluffs, Iowa
Merry Christmas

chris currins
alton, il

Waqar mt airy

jeff wicklander libertyville

Congrats! to the first 10 posted… Enjoy!