First person to reply wins a free one-year membership to CCPIA

First person to reply wins a free one-year membership to the Certified Commercial Property Inspectors Association (CCPIA). Only for non-members.

Thank you CCPIA for donating this prize!


Ryan Uecker
Happy Holidays!

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Nachi members and staff are the best!

Merry Christmas

Michael Bazzo

Great Lakes Home & Property Inspections

Yes Please. Merry Christmas!!!

thank you so much!..

happy holidays 28

Yes Please

I need this

Ray Roberts
CPI: #21062167

Kyle Kelley construction

Craig Hall Colo

Colt Contreras

Contreras Home Inspections

Crown Point, IN


I’d like that!

this would be awesome! thanks!

pick me please

@ruecker wins!

Please email to claim your prize. :partying_face:


Thank you!

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Yes please