why is safety glazing not required at window above landing at stairs but it is required at the bottom?
Is the top of the stairs not considered a landing? Thus as long as it’s greater than 18” from the floor then safety glazing is not required.
Do you have a picture to share?
If the top of the stairs is >6’ above grade, the window must be 24" from floor.
Yeah, the wording is somewhat confusing maybe…
Aside from what David posted, landings between flights of stairs…shall be considered a hazardous location.
Simply put your illustration is wrong. Larry posted the correct code. The important words are: “adjacent walking surface.” That includes landings at the top and bottom of stairs as well as between flights of stairs.
So, why did you buy a book of illustrations created by an ASHI member?
From their page, " Our home inspection illustrations library includes over 400 illustrations. It also includes a PDF copy of Everybody’s Building Code. Bruce A. Barker, a former chair of the ASHI Standards Committee and former ASHI President, developed this library."
Be interested to see what other errors it includes.