Ground wire on the exterior wall?

Any body knows why this wire connect to busbar on the exterior wall?? House built in 2022

Cannnot be the principle ground. Probably a method to hook up low voltage devices to ground. A DIY “interconnect” if you will.


A ground termination block or bridge. As Bob stated, typically used for cable or communication equipment.
Often, they have a plastic cover.


The technical name for that is an IBTD (intersystem bonding termination device) and is required for the connection of communication system bonding.

While we’re at it the disconnect is not properly labeled.

250.94 Bonding for Communication Systems.
Communications system bonding terminations shall be connected in accordance with 250.94(A) or (B).
250.94(A) The Intersystem Bonding Termination Device.
An intersystem bonding termination (IBT) for connecting intersystem bonding conductors shall be provided external to enclosures at the service equipment or metering equipment enclosure and at the
disconnecting means for any additional buildings or structures.