Has anyone used Recallchek?

Its not that it is enforceable or not, its the point of being asked to sign it. Why ask or sign something that is not enforceable?

I would think you would spend an extra 30 min per job to get all the model #s ect. enter them into their system get the report back and merge it into your own report.

Ok so dug a little deeper, looked under terms of use, said “section coming soon” Looked under over view, nope. Clicked sign up scrolled down and there in the “terms and conditions” $10 per report or $8 per report if done on all inspections

I pay $7 per recall check. I find one possible recall in every 10 houses I submit. The report is e-mailed directly to the client. It sends them a follow up every month with your info in it and a newsletter that is customizable. Also if they buy a used fridge lets say you can add it into the report later. If you have agents that want to be proactive you can set them up with a log in and every report you do for their clients adds them to the newsletter. It’s a pretty good deal over all and Nathan is pretty good at answering questions if you have any.

I don’t take any serial number, nor do I inspect any appliances which are not permanently installed. Life is good, business is even better…:smiley:

I do have a Link in my reports to the CPSC website if the buyer wants to look him-her-self.

I think an added incentive for the real estate agent is the incorporation of there contact information and picture into the monthly newspapers. This allows for FREE advertisement for the realtor. Yes, it is at a nominal cost to us, however, getting free advertisement for the realtor is a sell for the inspector.:slight_smile:

How is paying to advertise for everyone else a “sell for the Inspector”? Do you also buy into all of the “Advertise on the back of our folder for buyers” questionable offers?

Seriously? An eight year old thread?

Funny isn’t it? :smiley:

You beat me to it Frank
Is Nathen even around anymore?

Your company looks great. Anyway I can join that group or are there any group I can make or join for a start up like myself.